Omo you guys should pay attention to your body o. Just remembered a time that changed things for me mehn. Ive always hated drinking water like for over 20 years from when I was a kid, I could go days without water, anyone who knew me, knew this about me.
My pee was always so dark orange. But I always ignored it cause I didn’t know it wasn’t meant to be so. In 2017 I had severe pain whenever I wanted to pee like crying kinda pain but again I ignored cause I hated going to the hospital. It stoppped after like 2 weeks or so.
Fast forward a year later, one night I had terrible back pain on my left side right below my ribs and I literally couldn’t sleep. The pain was intense and this was at like 11pm. I had to call my mum on my phone to come from her room cause I legit couldn’t stand on my own.
We went to a hospital close by and they were being so nonchalant so my mum just told them to give me pain killers so I can sleep and then tomorrow morning , we’ll go to our own hospital which was on the mainland. Following day,
I went to my hospital and they did a scan and the radiologist literally said “I’ve never seen anything like this before” bruh the way my heart dropped 😭 one of my kidneys was literally almost gone from an untreated UTI.
This happens when you don’t take enough fluids to flush out waste in your body and your urinary tract gets infected. It sha affected my kidney. I ALMOST LOST ONE OF MY KIDNEYS GUYS. I started thinking of how much kidney was in the market because how ????
Anyways I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks or so before I could leave & they literally made me drink at least 7 of the 2 liter water bottles per day.

Tbh after I left the hospital, I struggled a bit with drinking water but I’d always remember what happened & I got into it
So guys, drink water and PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BODY. Don’t ignore any signs. Research everything. Google is there and it’s free. Please !
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