Reflecting on my years in IT (A thread):

"Build us an application," they said. "It will be easy," they said. "Just pick a language to learn, teach yourself, and start coding," they said. And oh what fun did I have...
"Secure our IT," they said. "It will be easy," they said. "Just go get some security tools, teach yourself to pen test, and make us secure," they said. And oh what fun did I have...
"Move us to the cloud and make it DevSecOps," they said. "It will be easy," they said. "It's the cloud, it's all there, just Google it and become the expert, automate everything and let us use all the cool things," they said. And oh what fun did I have...
"Hire us more people," they said. "It'll be easy," they said. "But they gotta have 3-5 years experience for entry level, must know all the things, and have all the certs," they said. And oh what fun did I have...
And then one day I looked back and *I* said, "I built those applications, I helped secure their IT, I launched that cloud environment, and through it all I built some amazing teams. I didn't learn all the things, I couldn't possibly, there was just so much and so little time...
But oh what fun did I have and do I continue to have today."

The moral of the story, don't be overwhelmed by all the things. You'll never be an expert in even 1/10th of them. Find what interests you, chase your passions, do the things that make you feel challenged and happy...
...and oh what fun you will have.
You can follow @AlyssaM_InfoSec.
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