TRUMP: "We are going to pursue ... what we said. We will be pursuing it and we will be pursuing it strongly, Tim. Right? Okay."
"Police officers run straight toward this incredible harm. Take the World Trade Center. They ran straight into the Twin Towers of 9/11." -- Trump
Trump on Minneapolis: "We sent in representatives, commonly known as the National Guard, and it was all put down very quickly."
Trump is entirely taking the side of police. He's not even paying lip service to the issues that have animated protests across the country.
TRUMP: "Chokeholds will be banned, except if an officer's life is at risk." (Seems like a significant loophole.)
Trump has some trouble with the word "delivered" while boasting about how his administration has purportedly accomplished more than any other
During a speech ostensibly about systemic racism, Trump claims that "we're fighting for school choice, which really is the civil rights [issue] of all time in this country."
Trump on coronavirus: "We're doing well. Things are happening that nobody can even believe. Our country is opening up, and it's opening up rapidly."
Trump on the pre-coronavirus economy: "Everybody was thrilled. Everybody had, just about, high-paying jobs." (This needless to say is false.)
Trump gets a round of applause for boasting about retail sales numbers from May that were gassed up because the economy was in ruins after March and April
Trump claims (falsely) that coronavirus "goes away" on its own, even if a vaccine isn't developed
I'm not sure about this Village People reboot
Trump closed his speech ostensibly about systemic racism in policing with a subtle defense of the Confederacy, which fought on behalf of slavery: "We must build upon our heritage, not tear it down."
Trump's speech responding to #BlackLivesMatter protests featured him characterizing school choice (not racism) as the defining civil rights issue in US history, as well as a defense of the Confederacy. Tone deaf even by his standards.
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