At the behest of Forces both Foreign & Domestic the DNC has unleashed HELL upon the America they have purposefully divided/compartMENTALIZED.
You are being encouraged to destroy yourselves.
I often say the MSM's NUMBER ONE JOB is to destroy your personal Harmony & sense of peace/Well Being.
People who unplug from Social Media & News often say after a few days how much better they feel.
One of the principle villains in the decline of the Nation's Mental Health?=MSM
They NEED you stupid (Education controlled by THEM!)
They NEED you angry (wound up 24/7 with BAD News)
They NEED you afraid (Fear Porn designed to terrify)
They NEED you crazy (to cause the CHAOS they NEED to "fix things")
When these things were done INCREMENTALLY over decades they made incredible progress insinuating themselves & taking control of American Institutions.
You may not have realized over the years as this happened, you just knew, somehow, that something was WRONG.
As we slept, most of our Media, Institutions & Politicians were either bought outright, compromised or infiltrated by Foreign Actors or a Foreign Influence called MARXISM.
The damage these influences have caused is incalculable.
I point out ALL mediums of ***communication*** are being controlled to ensure ONLY t-h-e-i-r selected Story is told.
Nothing else allowed.
Skeptics Pilloried.
Critics Banned.
This was SLOWLY being done...
The American People were AWAKENED enough to realize we desperately needed a Sea Change & Hillary would be a continuation of Obama's degrading of Law & Nation.
So we choose the promised Bull in the DC China Shop.
& he's delivered on that promise.
In 2017, reeling & stunned, the Left had to rally & recover.
Then they threw themselves wholeheartedly behind the #SpyGate Plotters #RussianCollusionHOAX
As they sandbagged Trump for 3 years we were inundated with coverage they KNEW WAS A LIE.
At the same time the Left lost all control over something they'd been MASTERS at= OPTICS.
Providing a favorable IMAGE of a person, action(s) or Event that furthered their Agenda.
Careful FRAMING to give people the impression they NEED to proceed.
Another STARK example=Protesting shoulder to shoulder=GOOD! TRUMP RALLY BAD!!
Trump has utterly WRECKED the Left's ability to CONTROL
People like me, my Bro @drawandstrike, @Quodverum_ @GeneralDilley & others are helping Trump do this.
So now, after 3 years of Hoaxes. Gaslighting & Venom,
they have come for all of us.
Antifa & BLM had disappeared in all but the deepest of the Blue Cities throughout 2018 & 2019.
They were NOT idle.
They were networking & preparing for what is now being unleashed=a direct attack on America itself couched as "Justice" for Blacks killed resisting arrest
In that Thread I reveal what President Trump's done & IS DOING about the Arson, Lawlessness & chaos now on display on america's Streets.
People want to point out about 100 people are being charged Federally, so are those the ones I'm claiming Covert Military grabbed/took out?
Well, since you know their NAMES & FACES, no.
They weren't the ones attacking the White House Fence while shouting orders in Mandarin or engaged in focused & systematic arson driving around in vehicles w-out license plates carrying military grade weapons.
Those guys=POOF!
As I've said, it SUCKS when you're operating as a FOREIGN COMBATANT on US Soil as a Terrorist.
The SHADOWS you're operating from can SWALLOW YOU.
You'll never know their names or fate. THEY'RE GONE.
One way or the other.
But now, Trump ***looks*** weak.
Trump understands Optics.
The Left (International) launched an ATTACK on US Soil.
They tried to storm the White House then set a historic Church on fire.
Trump responded the next day=
The Left POUNCED to divert everyone's attention from what Trump just did.
"Peaceful" Protesters pushed back!!!
They were TEAR GASSED for a Trump Photo Op!
Trump held up the Bible (they often mock) as a PROP!

Faith & Family are under relentless attack.
This insurrection has been long planned.
It's part of the #SilentWAR I've talked about.
Now, in TIMED coordination with the chaos here come retired Generals/Military Leaders to disparage the President DURING A PANDEMIC, INSURRECTION & ECONOMIC CRISIS.
As the MSM gleefully pile on
Now all the Sports Franchises are lining up to lamblast us during their pre & regular seasons with the hot new WOKENESS.
Do you see it yet?
If you don't unplug or develop strong filters on your Media/News consumption you'll be awash in their MIND POISON for 5 1/2 more Months
& the implicit THREAT from the Left is clear=
As long as Trump is President, WE WILL NEVER STOP.
You WILL be inundated with our over the top propaganda 24/7 365.
I implicitly warned this was coming months ago=
So after President Trump wins a 2nd Term, you can expect 4 more years of this abject shit show on all Networks, Channels & Social Media.
Fine, I won't be participating in their meltdowns.
Their #'s are rapidly shrinking as the POLARIZING EVENT
(Trump's Victory) is revisited.
The pandemic has FORCED Americans to take a hard look at what works & what clearly doesn't.
We will emerge from all of this chaos stronger & even more capable than before.
The Left has begun it's DEATH SPIRAL.
They will CLAW.
They will SHRIEK!
They will HOWL DEMANDS at you.
When, in 2 years time, you look back on all of this as the Golden Age Dawns, you'll be shocked at how so FEW harmed so many so easily.
They will NEVER be allowed such capability again.
This WAS their last Hurrah.
Trump is doing Yeoman's Work & as their NOISE dies out=
A Second Great Awakening is here.
As we take stock of & ask ourselves again=
"What is truly important?"
Yammering Slogans?
Political Theater that burns division into people's Souls?
Faith & Family.
I know where I'll be standing when the REALITY CHECK hits.
If you like my Work you can support me here= 
I'd greatly appreciate your help!
This allows me to focus on Threads & Videos & the HOURS of research to create them.
The "prop" President Trump was holding has a STORY=
Trump does have an AMAZING Solution.
What I call the LIFE MODEL he shows us every day.
You can follow @CatesDuane.
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