| All my life, we've been transferring to different cities (which I love) and I've grown up with different phases of my life in almost 7-8 cities. So when someone asks me where are you from? I still don't know.
I'm both attached (for what it has given to me) and unattached (cuz I know I'll be leaving it soon) to a city. When they ask me about my hometown, I tell them but can't tell it's details cuz I've been there for only summer vacations.
I've seen people possessive to their home states, whereas I'm not. I've loved each city so dearly. Bahot cliché lagega, but I literally loved whole of India.
I've lived in Delhi (the most North that I can be) a decade to Bangalore (the most South I've been) for more than 2 years now. I've lived in Ahmedabad to Shillong. To my MBBS city, Indore to my MS city Bhopal (most probably).
I've travelled and visited places pan India (almost) with my parents. Be it Jammu aur Kanyakumari. I've loved whole of India and can't call one city my home (Dilli is closest to my heart because of the memories it has given me)
I've had my prejudices broken and appreciated things even more. Its a blessing in disguise to me to have travelled and lived so many places. Thanks to the sector my dad works in, that in every corner of India, we know people, we have a home. 😊
So when next somebody asks me where I'm from? Probably to figure out my roots or to identify a person with it, I still give atleast a minute long thought before giving an answer about it even though I might've lived in that city for 2 years or more
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