Taking a minute to reflect on @gameandcolour means for me as an ambiguous looking (and, at times white passing) woman of colour [in games].
We started this group over 2 years ago. I was tired of going to PROFESSIONAL networking events and hearing "no really where are you from" and "you look exotic" 🤮 and "I don't see colour".

Desperately needed a space to just exist, breathe without all that "well-meaning" garbage

We talk about game dev but also immigration, tackling tough conversations, culture & roots, signal boosting, promoting our own games, salary/jobs...
The last years were spent focusing on building a strong community foundation. Our all BIPOC social events have gone from small to the space being crowded 👏🏽

Really happy that we've all rallied around this community. Interested in supporting us? Give @gameandcolour a follow!
In being surrounded by other POCs, I've come to appreciate where my roots are from and embrace who I am. It's easier to resist that pressure to "blend in"...
I grew up in the very white suburbs of New Jersey. Hated and didn't understand my hair. Thought my skin was dirty-looking. Missed out on picking up Spanish.

Now that I accept myself more; I'm working to undo all that.. It's never too late to reconnect.

TY Game & Colour fam đź’—
You can follow @rebheartsyou.
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