MLB thread: I no longer care who was right initially; both sides strike me as arrogant & tone-deaf. This is an unprecedented time. MANY ppl I know have taken pay cuts, had bonuses axed, been furloughed, gone w/out a salary so their employees can stay, felt job insecurity...
Everyone understands these are temporary sacrifices, not permanent changes. Few like it. The owners & players BOTH come across like they believe they’re so special they're immune from having to compromise rn, that everyone except them should absorb all losses. It's disgusting…
And the league's short-sightedness is also mind-blowing. MLB had an amazing opportunity to return with all eyes upon them. That's been squandered & instead what are they doing? Blowing up the sport & alienating/turning off an already-dwindling fan base. Brilliant 🙄...
Baseball is a huge part of my life & I’m not one to make empty threats. I can’t foresee myself tuning out the sport forever or boycotting games. But my interest is dwindling fast. I could easily see MLB becoming a backseat passion instead of my primary one & that makes me...sad
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