i am begging everyone on this website to understand a t*rf is a violent transmisogynist who actively seeks out to harm trans people, especially trans women. a t*rf is not an aha gotcha! statement you can throw around at people you don’t like if they’re not even being transphobic
ok, someone invalidated you because you’re asexual or a bi/pan lesbian or whatever. that still isn’t what makes them a t*rf. the acronym stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. so a t*rf is basically a feminist who’s ideology is based on the fact trans people are not real
if you take a peep at the shit actual t*rfs do, they specifically target trans people online and irl. they doxx and try to de-platform trans people by harassing/reporting them en masse. they actively obsess over everyone’s physical appearance trying to “spot the fake woman”
there are t*rfs in positions of political and/or social power who use their platforms to spread hatred. t*rfs can and do harm everyone around them by being so obssessively hateful of trans women! someone saying stuff like “bi/pan people aren’t lesbians” isn’t a t*rf. learn that
this thread has nothing to do with any discourse going on i just saw someone get called a t*rf for being deaf and calling someone out on their ableist take
just so y’all understand, i censored the ‘e’ so actual transphobes don’t harass me or report my account when they search the actual keyword using twitter’s search function
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