I was 13 when I went into care, that was 5 years ago today. It’s have been a crazy journey in care, my experience has been different to slot of people. I am glad I want taken into care in the February or else I would never of been placed in the family I am in. I have only ever...
Had one placement and moved in 4 days after meeting my foster parents, I remember thinking the house was a mansion and the bath was a hot tub (I still wish it was). I was still in my old school and my foster father would drive 45 mins every day to take me there before coming to..
Get me in the afternoon. I wasn’t happy there and I wasn’t as happy a person I struggled a lot with being bullied and it was horrible. After a year I moved school to the local one where my foster brother went at the time. This was a massive turning point for me as it was...
A fresh start, nobody knew about my past, I made friends and I’m still best friends one of them now. Fast forward 2 years and we big shock we lost our foster father, and it was hard on us all, I still miss him and I wish he could see what we are achieving right now. I’m sure he..
Would be proud of us. But next we’re GCSEs and that was crazy but I passed even English my least favourite. A levels came around I knew by now I really wanted to be a social worker, I struggled in 6th form but it became easier when I got my dyslexia diagnosis as I was able to...
Get support. In March I finished school due to Corona virus, and I’m awaiting my results, August can’t come soon enough. I’m looking forward to starting my social work degree in September. The last five years have been a crazy journey and I wouldn’t change a thing I’m am so...
Lucky to have the family, friends, boyfriend and support from social workers/Iro, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without them. I thank anybody who is a foster parent, anybody in social work, what your doing is amazing and truly changed lives 🥳🥰☺️
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