What we know:

1. The CIA started a program called MKUltra.
2. MKUltra still remains classified as #TopSecret. Officially, the CIA refuses to acknowledge it. In the aftermath of Watergate, the CIA released voluminous documents under FOIA on #MKULTRA. Much was redacted.
3. Sex slaves and assassins were created by MKUltra.
4. MKUltra penetrated the daily lives of everyone alive today via cartoons, books, and film.
5. The global child sex rings appear to link to DYNCORP and this links to CIA and to MKUltra.
6. Global child sex rings have been
in existence for many decades.

These "child sex rings" are all run by intelligence and are connected to MKUltra.

Edwin Wilson ran a CIA-directed sexual blackmailing pedophile ring, of the kind which were intensive in Washington at about the time of the Watergate scandal.
According to John DeCamp, author of The Franklin Cover-Up, Wilson’s operation was merely a continuation of the one set up by Roy Cohn during the McCarthy era with Lewis Rosenstiel and J. Edgar Hoover.

Cohn's operation was referred to as being part of MKUltra.
The child sex trafficking ring that Roy Cohn joined was run by mob-linked liquor baron Lewis Rosenstiel.

Rosenstiel owned Schenley.

My abuser's father Meshulam Riklis purchased Schenley from Rosentiel.

I was a sex slave to his son.
The child and adult sex traffickers are all interconnected. They run blackmail operations and all of them include elements of organized crime, powerful Washington politicians, and oligarchs throughout the world.

It is is no coincidence.

These are government run programs.
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