I’ve seen a lot of purposefully divisive or fundraising-naïve posts around the whole donation side of the movement the past week. There are so many logistical factors that you should know the status of before creating doubt. https://twitter.com/evelynvwoodsen/status/1272737469784522758
When a third party platform is involved, and you’ve set up all the back end info, you are reliant upon them to transfer the money (which can take days). An amount this large probably takes longer than something like a $1,000 page.
How many bail applications are pending? How large is the staff working to process these? What is waiting on the county/state to finalize?

Nonprofits often have small staff and I can guarantee you someone who cares deeply about this cause is working insane hours to get it done.
For example, I attended BBCon (Fundraising tech conference) a few years ago and the director of ALS talked about how the viral Ice Bucket Challenge, while amazing for their cause, creating an influx of processing work for compared to their staff size.
As a nonprofit fundraiser, I have seen firsthand why the industry needs to change.

*I also recommend reading The Revolution Will Not Be Funded.*

BUT before freaking out at C*ndace Ow*ns or this original tweet, do the research to at least know where things really stand.

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