I am not a writer, that’s my child’s talent, but I have too get this off my chest so bear with me. I am fully prepared to vote for Joe Biden in Nov, BUT, my vote has ALWAYS been and remains conditional. Lately I have been tentatively hopeful, but yesterday broke me, here’s why.1
I know I am not alone in the struggle to just get through the day lately. Shit has gotten real and if you are Black it has got REAL real. Covid, the seemingly daily murder of Black men by cops, and the senseless murder of 19 yo, Oluwatoyn Salau, all seemed to be a insidious 2/
Conspiracy to sap every ounce of hope and joy in my spirit and as I struggled to stay afloat in a tsunami of unending tragedy, paternalistic anti-blackness came flying out of left field riding a unicorn loudly proclaiming “hold my beer”! Yes I am talking about the letter 3/
Elizabeth Warren’s fans wrote on her behalf pleading with Biden to pick her. Let me be clear, I have no issue with folks advocating for their choice that’s what politics is. But the tone of this “letter” and the blatant and vile anti-blackness that accompanied it and the 4/
Blatant anti-blackness in both was in a word staggering. It’s no secret who would be VP if it was only left up to me, in truth if I had MY way Senator Kamala Harris would be the Dem nominee. As I felt in 16, I believe it is far past time we had a woman lead the country. 5/
Not just ANY woman mind you. I want the same qualities in a woman candidate that I would look for in a male one. Did I get that with Biden? No, but I expected that he would pick a VP candidate that not only fill his shoes in case..... but who would be the Dem front runner 6/
In 2024. Now for me that has always been Senator Harris, but her impeccable performance over the last few months not only confirmed what I already knew but seemed to FINALLY start to be recognized by thousands of others. As she continued to check every box, meet every metric 7/
A tiny kernel of hope began to grow in my spirit. The question “could it be” began to shift into “hot damn look at her go” then yesterday happened. Yesterday the Warrenistas not only “requested a manager” in effort to parachute in front of the woman who has been working her 8/
Ass off for US, but they added a hot and spicy blend of salt liberally to every wound. They covered every letter on the anti-Black bingo card. They assured Joe that he didn’t need to accommodate Black voters because he already “had us”, and then went full “Karen’s gone Wild” /9
And (just to make it fair), painted every Black woman in the running as “symbolic” I believe the word used was “cosmetic” as if the decades of work, advocacy, education, did I say work, that these Black women embodied was little more than that ugly discarded eye pencil 10/
That’s always included in whatever monthly prescription box “us girls” subscribe too. But the most insidious part was when called on it, these “people” responded with the “I’ve got Black friends” list of Black women whom THEY deem acceptable, strangly enough none of 11/
Seem to have made it too the short list..... I wonder why? Not really, I don’t really wonder why because I know why. I am not going to drag Warren here. I have spent plenty hours vetting her and explaining why she isn’t my choice. Frankly until yesterday I would have gladly 12/
Voted for a Ticket with her on it.... well maybe not “gladly” , but it wouldn’t have felt like a betrayal of every principle I hold dear. Yesterday made that impossible for me. I’m tired. Really, really, damn tired.
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