Quick story abt how I became gender critical and reached peak trans. A thread.

U know I'd be surprised to know that no more than a year ago I used to be a trans alley. Would you believe I used to say crap like TWAW?

I never saw any harm in the movement. Until...
Until I realised the consequences of equating women with biological men in all ways. Centering them or even making room for them in our feminism.

Watching them gaslight every reasonable question with transphobe. Silencing women's issues bcus they were transphobic
I saw the same performance they thought womanhood was with the same morbid fascination of a white gay man emulating black female behavior.

It reminded me too much of blackface. The overtly feminine stuff was just soo damn offensive. The short skirts the paint like makeup
I saw them performing STEREOTYPES. just a whole bunch of damn STEREOTYPES.

It all made me uncomfortable but I pushed my feelings aside. So what if u was uncomfortable? No need to rain on someone's pride parade. Let pple be who they want to be. Right? No one's getting hurt
But pple were getting hurt.

Guys like these were getting access into women's spaces doing shit like this.

And when the radfems and the GC were asking reasonable questions the only respna the TRAs and their allies had was "terf", "transphobes" and violent threats and memes
And when again confronted with the rise of attacks in women's spaces and not just violent attacks really but the indecency going on. Like a trans woman with sword in the woman's room. Jessica yaniv's obssession with tampons and seeing women naked. Daniel Moscatto being a troll
When pple expressed their concerns more and more the only answers we got back were again "terf" "transphobes" so I was lost. I mean what the hell was going on?
Another answer that drove me crazy was "those pple aren't trans. Their just men in dresses" it reminded me a little too much othe whole "that's now man. That's a coward. That's a boy" defence men have Been using for YEARS when confronted with their violence.
Okay do you stop being trans when you become a sex offender? Do you get your trans liscence taken away?

Man I wish I could use that defence everytime someone who was a part of my community did something fucked up. Wish I could pretend that R Kelly isn't really a black man
It really was a long time coming with me. There were a whole bunch of things that had me almost reaching peak trans. From the bold proclamations that Sex isn't real and that single sex attraction is gross and a fetish.

This whole arrogant holier than thow Liberal attitude
This move net isn't and never was Abt trans lives or trans rights. It's abt letting men live out their fantasy no matter what the cost.
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