OK, I want to talk about this. This is a typical response to "why transphobes want to discriminate against trans women".

Let's get into it.
Tina says "It's genuinely not trans women" but....

She admits trans women aren't the problem. Probably not intentionally, as is the case with most transphobes. When they do acknowledge that trans women aren't the "big baddies" they try to make out, it's usually not on purpose.
Next up we have: "it is men who take advantage of the law and 'identify' as women to facilitate assaulting them"

Transphobes KNOW the biggest danger 2 women is cis men. THEY KNOW IT.

cis men will "identify" as women. Transphobes constantly misrepresent what self ID entails.
When trans women socially transition, they live as women. They are women so of course this is natural. All documentation can be changed without self ID. They have their drivers licenses, their passports, bank accounts etc..; without even having a GRC. They already have legal...
documentation. The things with PHOTOS on. They have them.

Self ID literally only helps them to change their birth certificates. That's all it does.

A cis man who just decides to "identify" as woman will not have a corresponding passport and drivers license because no cis...
man, not even a determined rapist will have gone through the process of socially transitioning, living as your gender for AT LEAST a year, jumped through legal hoops to get his gender marker changed on his other documentation that he'd need to back up his identity when...
and if transphobes get their way, and people now have to prove they are who they say are TO TAKE A PEE!

Let's not forget that short of dropping your pants and flashing your genitals to someone who would have to stand at the door before they let you in would be the ONLY way to...
be sure here. Are you, fellow cis people, willing to endure that too? Let me tell you right now, there is no way in hell I'm going to be forced to get my vaj out so I can go have a pee in public toilet. WTF kind of world is this???
Finally "That means anyone even, a trans woman in a protected space, can be assaulted."

Uh huh. Do you know how many cis women are murdered in "protected spaces" by other cis women? Like in prisons for example. They are raped by other cis women. They are raped by guards....
For some reason though, the tiny number of trans inmates, of whom, the transphobes can only, and constantly do, bring up ONE case as evidence that all trans women are rapists and will have you all believe that one case should be enough to discriminate against them ALL.
None of what the transphobes say about self ID is grounds 4 excluding trans women 4m women's spaces. Let's not forget that we r not talking about letting trans women start sharing space now like a new thing. They have been sharing these spaces 4 DECADES. Where's all the crime?
cis men will "identify" as women is a transphobic scaremongering tactic. That's all it is. It took me, a cis woman, all of an hour to read through the Equality Act & then check what Self ID is actually for. An hour. That's it. Instead of listening to transphobes lie, read FACTS.
One last thing. Let's play hypothetical for a second.

A cis man "identifies" as a trans woman.

OK. He shows up at toilet in his dress, with his birth certificate. A document that has no photo on it and isn't considered a legal form of ID so along with that, he has to bring...
something with his photo. Like a passport, to prove that he is the same person that is listed on his birth certificate. Makes sense right?

His passport still says his name is "jon smith" but he's telling you that he's "self id-ing as a trans woman".

He's doing this so he can...
enter a "women's space" to rape you.

Recap: Jon "identifies" as a trans woman. He's popped along to a woman's space. To prove he is who he says he is on his BC, he needs a passport which is legal documentation to confirm that.

Your rapist has just proved his real identity.
He's just shown up a toilet where his intention is to rape you, where he's had to show his legal documentation to enter, thus announcing his real identity so he "stealth enter women's spaces" to rape us.

See the flaw in his cunning plan there?

Transphobia ROTS YOUR BRAIN.
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