Iconic UK Big Brother moments: a thread #BBUK
1. After a... turbulent romance, Ziggy dumping Chanelle in the bathroom with the line “it’s not you, it’s me”
2. Poor Bubble clotheslining himself and spinning through the air like a skydancer
3. Queen Nikki Grahame absolutely FUMIN about having to pledge allegiance to Kit Kat connoisseur Suzie Verrico
4. Craig refuses to diminish his character to survive (I REFUSE)
5. Lesleh laying into bikini fanatic Sam whilst rocking a massive foam neckbrace
6. Nikki claiming that Nadia might be on her period and Brian trotting away in disbelief
7. Craig reading Maxwell to filth
8. When the legendary Pete Burns just attacked Traci for the hell of it
9. When Rula Lenska performed a very dramatic Macbeth monologue and no one was too arsed
10. “Mikey’s got a disability, open yer eyes!”
11. “Posh spice, she fuckin wish, fuckin st-UGLY BITCH!”
12. When Alison Hammond shattered the garden table
13. Chanelle losing the plot over the food rations
14. The tragedy of Makosi and her egg
15. Queen of Bolton, Nichola having a l.a.u.g.h
16. When Luke and Bex/Webecca finally awkwardly confessed their love
17. Verne Troyer crashing into the diary room door and nearly launching himself into another dimension
18. Michelle Bass arguing with Ahmed with her massive boobs out
19. When Craig refused to join in with the debate
20. When Glyn got too drunk, kept throwing up everywhere and the whole house lost their minds apart from Mikey
21. Makosi saying that she’s pregnant while Vanessa chomps on a pear
22. Chanelle and the hair despair
23. “You betta know yourself if your talking about me, little girl”
24. Posh Ben and his lack of dance skills during the glee task
25. Josie telling Corin about the lady who got her face ripped off by a chimpanzee
26. Brian and Amanda having a deep chat about the universe
27. Nikki raging about the aircon
28. Liam and the best chat up line in the world
29. When Jade thought that “East Angular” was abroad
30. Naked jacuzzi
31. Alex lip syncing for his life
32. When Nikki only had ONE beer and all hell broke loose
33. “Am I mingin?”
34. When Charley was strutting her stuff and Seány sent her flying into the pool
35. No one tells Tina Malone to shush
36. Pete Burns and Rula Lenska having beef over white clogs
37. When the housemates rumbled Nasty Nick on his diiirty plan
38. “I can’t choreografaff”
39. “Oh my god, Jackie!”
40. Fight night, but particularly the noise when the foil tray whacked Emma on the head
41. When Derek, Kemal and Science kept squabbling all the way through the box task
42. Charley having the audacity to tell Brian that he looks pathetic when she was dressed like Sideshow Bob
43. “Look at the state of yer, ya fuckin PIG”
44. Rihanna’s agegate
45. Corin having a good old rant about John James
46. When Nadia and Michelle had it officially and robbed the diary room camera
47. When Angel just did not hold back
48. Everyfin and everyfin!
49. Chantelle’s Grammy award winning performance of I Want It Right Now
50. Nadia just wanting a ciggie
51. When Sophie and Rodrigo absolutely nailed dancing to Daft Punk
52. Laryngitis Alexandra saying “memba I told you” every five minutes
53. When the actual real life Queen came to the house for a brew
54. Glyn cooking an egg for the very first time
55. Grace going out with a bang
56. Craig looking like Myra Hindley in his wig
57. “Where’s all the cheers man?”
58. The beautiful TV that Marco made
59. Mikey trying a scotch bonnet and having a terrible time
60. The housemates having a right hoot dancing to Kylie but Charley giving it her all like she’s performing at the brit awards
61. FAT OX
62. Craig absolutely living his life bopping to Britney Spears
63. Lesley doing a really rubbish job at pretending not to be upset
64. Plus sized breasts
65. “Hello Bonner!”
66. Kitten getting escorted out by Davina and being to busy ranting about the monarchy to notice her girlfriend
67. Jane being murdered in broad daylight by a big yellow sponge
68. David’s dead
69. Glyn teaching Nikki how to speak Welsh
70. Mikey nearly getting his head taken clean off by a baseball
71. “If you wanna be cheap, get Uber”
72. Nicola/Nicole v Kim Woodburn round 274
73. “At least once person got wet tonight... and it wasn’t Saskia”
74. Lea very tastefully describing her taste in men
75. When Jane lost the plot
76. When Brian had an accident in the caravan
77. Charley just letting everyone know again that she’s a South East London it girl
78. “Get that fire exit door, I’m off”
79. When Charley returned and straight up lied about the public adoring her
80. Lesleh just casually going for a wee mid-conversation
81. When Michelle Heaton told Tina Malone that she looked like Princess Fiona and Coolio completely lost it
82. Science just being the absolute best
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