I remembered just coming back from work when I heard a noise coming out from papa Emeka House, rushed out to see what is happening, I was told that one of the finest boy in my neighborhood Emeka just had stroke,mummy emeka told me that the village people has done their worst
I quickly called an ambulance to take him to the hospital immediately, the doctor checked his Blood Pressure Level ,hola it was reading 180/120, That was hypertensive crisis, he never checked his B.P , he believed he was too young

Let Talk about hypertension.
B.P as many of you might call it,we call it hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is higher than it should be.

Are you still with me?
You most likely would not know you have hypertension. In most cases, a person will be asymptomatic , having no noticeable symptoms, which is why this disease is so dangerous. If hypertension is not detected,
it can wreak havoc on your cardiovascular system by putting excess strain on your blood vessel walls and heart

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke by damaging and weakening the brain's blood vessels, causing them to narrow, rupture or leak.
Types of Hypertension

Also known as essential hypertension. Most adults with hypertension are in this category.

The cause of these hypertension is unknown.
Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, stress,being overweight, eating too much salt ,and not getting enough exercise can contribute in developing this hypertension

It accounts for 95% of hypertension cases.
•What Increase the risk of PRIMARY HYPERTENSION

- Lack of physical activity
-Unhealthy diet,especially one high in sodium (Salt)
-Drinking too much alcohol
-Family Histroy
-Gender (Until age 64, men are more likely to get high blood pressure than women.
- African/Black
Primary hypertension can't be 100% prevented

it account for only 5-10%

Secondary hypertension is when there's an identifiable - and potentially reversible -cause of your hypertension.

It more common in younger people.

People with
- Diabetes
-High Cholesterol
-Sleep Apnea (a type of sleep disorder)
-Thyroid problem
-adrenal gland disease
Other Type of Hypertension includes
-Resistant Hypertension (the type of blood pressure that is difficult to control or requires multiple medications
-Malignant Hypertension( the types of blood that cause damages to your organs

Seek immediate emergency medical attention if you think you maybbe having a hypertensive emergency

- Isolated systolic hypertension
Symptoms of Hypertension

Hypertension is a silent killer, many people won't experience any symptoms, it may take years or even decades for the condition to reach level of severe that symptoms become obvious, that was the case of emeka
•Noticeable Symptoms

-Severe Headache

-Fatigue or Confusion

-Vision Problem

-Chest Pain

-Difficulty breathing

-Blood in the urine

-Irregular heart beat

-Pounding in your chest,neck, or ears

-Nose bleeds

•Prevention Of Hypertension

-Not Smoking

-Eating a healthy diet

-Cutting down on sugar and carbohydrates

-Not drinking alcohol or drinking in moderation

-Maintain a moderate weight

-manage your stress level

-eating less salt and more potassium

This can be Life threatening condition if left unchecked, because can damage essential organs or cause complications such as an aortic dissection or tear or bleeding in brain.
But always remember Hypertension is not a death sentence ,once diagnosed can be managed properly to avoid complications

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