An open letter to #Earpers from @AngNotMeMyPanic, @gettinghawt, and @JoshCost

It is understandable that not everyone within the #WynonnaEarp fandom is going to get along with each other. And that’s okay because you don’t have to like everyone you meet in life. 1/
However, what’s not okay is people attacking others. Part of being in this fandom is spreading kindness. This has been seriously lacking within the fandom considering “what makes [this] fandom so unique is a tremendous capacity for kindness” (Alan Yu 2018).
Lately, there has been more and more comments about people leaving the fandom because of how they are being treated by individuals or groups within the fandom. This fandom is INCLUSIVE of all abilities, races, sexualities, and genders.
Since many straight, trans, and disabled fans get bullied in such cowardly ways, all Earpers should stop hiding behind passive aggressive memes watching the fandom being torn apart, and help save our fandom.
If this continues to happen, then the fandom that Tim Rozon once referred to as “a fandom built on acceptance and kindness above all else” will fade into nothing. Here are two of the many ways that Earpers can prevent this from happening:
1. Be open to discussions. Yes, these discussions will be difficult. If they were easy then they would be happening already. If someone tells you that something you did is offensive with a valid reason as to why it was offensive, then take that as a learning opportunity to
better yourself, not as an attack. People should stop seeing criticism through the lens of fear of being attacked. When someone disagrees with something you said, you have the opportunity to see it from a place where you assume the best in others as well as assume they are
trying to help you instead of assuming they are trying to destroy you. This is how we all learn and make new connections with people who you can learn from, and in turn they can learn from you too. We all make mistakes in life, but learning from our mistakes is how we make
ourselves better humans.

2. Do your best to stop hate. There are people in this world who’s sole goal in life is to spread animosity, but Earpers will not sink to their level. We will rise above and do what we do best, fight through spreading kindness. As a fandom, we should
be discussing ways that Earpers can help fight for human rights. Two movements that need all the help and support they can get are Black Lives Matter and Trans Rights.

Remember, Tim Rozon also said,
“At a time when the world can feel so scary, this fandom is a safe place to be.” In working together, we’ve proved in the past that we can accomplish great things. Let’s get back on track by making our fandom a safe place again so we can achieve more great things together.
You can follow @JoshCost.
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