Stop telling people not to go shopping. When the pubs and restaurants reopen, don't tell them not to go. The only way to save peoples jobs and livelihood is if those of us who can afford to start spending our money again in these places. By mocking people and making them feel
Like they are the problem. Things will be different from now on. But we need to get things moving again. Otherwise the economy will suffer even further and by default the likes of the NHS will suffer as the amount of money put back into the system will drop. That will have a
Detrimental effect on peoples health. So, think before you call people murderers or say they have blood on their hands for leaving their house now and getting back to some sort of normality. There will always be a risk. It won't just disappear one day. We need to stop living in
Fear. We need to stop attacking each other for not all feeling the same way about how we want to move forward. I personally feel that this isn't how we are supposed to live. Just existing isn't enough for me. I need my family. I enjoy travelling. I love eating out. It's okay to
Feel that. It is okay to want that back. If people want to shop in Primark, that is what they have felt is important to them. If people want to go to the zoo, that is what is important to them. If you still feel that you want to stay home 24/7 that is your choice and what is
Important to you. But please, please STOP attacking people for wanting different things!
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