THREAD: These brands all support #BlackLivesMatter .

But their ads appear on – and therefore inadvertently fund – racist anti-BLM websites.

We’re calling on all these brands to #DefundRacism. Join us.
2/ @Microsoft: “At this time we will be using our platform to amplify voices from the Black and African American community at Microsoft.”

Also @Microsoft: Ads next to American Greatness article claiming protests are about “racial resentment to white people”.
3/ @octopus_energy: “We stand in solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement.”

Also @octopus_energy: Ad next to disgusting Moonbattery article describing protests as a “riot in the name of a dead criminal.”
4/ @audible_com: “We stand in solidarity with our colleagues of colour and our Black and Brown communities in Newark.”

Also @audible_com: @KevinHart4Real ads on American Thinker article calling #BlackLivesMatter “phonies and hypocrites”.
5/ @Bloomberg: “It is impossible to watch the video of George Floyd dying without feeling a surge of anger.”

Also @Bloomberg: Ad on American Thinker article claiming protestors ignore “the way blacks routinely mow each other down in Chicago”.
6/ @Gloria_Sports: “Let’s all be part and light of the change #BlackLivesMatter .”

Also @Gloria_Sports: Ads on a Big League Politics story denying news reports of white supremacists stoking racial tensions.
7/ @queensu: “Fighting racism is difficult work, to be certain, but it is essential.”

Also @queensu: Ads on WND article describing #BlackLivesMatter as an “anti-police hate group.”
8/ @semrush: Suspended their online weekly chat out of respect for “more important issues in society.”

Also @semrush: Ads on Washington Standard article pushing conspiracy theories about #BlackLivesMatter
9/ @TheFutureLab: “The events of the past week have once again highlighted the injustices that black communities experience around the world every day.”

Also @TheFutureLab: Ads on Gateway Pundit article pushing to “disband the FBI” for raising the alarm about white supremacy.
10/ @Ford: “We cannot turn a blind eye to it or accept some sense of ‘order’ that's based on oppression.”

Also @Ford: Ads appearing on Breitbart article recommending readers “buy guns and plenty of ammo” to protect from BLM.
11/ This happens because ad-tech companies like @GoogleAds think it is acceptable to take money for placing ads on – and therefore funding – this content.

And it’s time for it to stop. #DefundRacism.
12/ @Google: We’re going to give $12M to organisations working to address racial inequality, because #BlackLivesMatter .

Also @Google: We give millions of dollars a year to websites that feature racism and conspiracy theories through Google Ads

Go figure.
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