People often ask me if they should quit the 9 - 5 life and pursue Entrepreneurship and my reply is the same.
Look at these two bikes.
Can you identify the difference between these two?

Both are the same size.

Both have the same wheels.

Both look alike.

A thread. Pls RT
But one is way more efficient and faster than the other.


The first bike’s speed is limited to the rider’s ability to pedal the bike. (Zero Leverage)

The second bike’s speed is able to multiply the rider’s ability to pedal and will produce amazing results. (Huge Leverage)

So to answer our Entrepreneurship question...
If you would like to increase your benefits/work ratio, you should consider entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are able to leverage their work hours in unlimited ways.
Here’s the key difference:

Employees usually work under the paycheck formula: Skill x Time = Paycheck. The ONLY way to increase results is by increasing the value of their skill, or sell more time. (First bike example with zero leverage)
Entrepreneurs have access to multiple sources of leverage, like machines, systems, and processes — including other people’s time, talents and resources to maximize results. (Unlimited Leverage)
But how about the rider? You.

A Rider can choose to ride either. However, one rider may choose Bike 2, the entrepreneurship bike, and may not ride it efficiently. He will not take advantage of its features properly because he is not an entrepreneur type.
He simply does not know what to do with the leverage, power, and potential.

Another Rider may choose Bike 1. He chooses the employeeship bike.
But, the pedalling at constant rate, predictability, and inability to go beyond a certain speed or up a certain hill cause him to get bored. It will not be a good fit for him because he is not an employee type.
(It may be fine for him if it pays the bills and if that is more important than having a great fit, or being able to get additional rewards for the same unit of effort. This is fine for many riders). That's being said, that's not to say that a person is one or the either.
People change and can be either at different times in their life. When the Rider is ready for the entrepreneurship bike, perhaps after having been an employee and realizing it's no longer what he wants, and perhaps after getting some training and having the right contacts...
then the entrepreneurship bike may become more comfortable for him.

But employeeship and entrepreneurship are simply vehicles.
It's the Rider who either powers them skillfully, or not and who gains happiness from making the best choice for his type, stage of life, need for predictability or novelty, and risk tolerance.
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