Here's a long thread of the 100 people who sent as letter to Biden urging he pick Warren, with photos. Let's see if we notice a trend...

1) Christela Alonzo
2) Kurt Andersen
3 & 4) Dante & David Atkins
5) Nancy Bagley
6) Ady Barkin
7) Roberta Baskin
8) Adam Best
9) Daniel Bliss
10) Adam Bonin
11) Will Bunnett
12) Smitha Chadaga
13) Charles Chamberlain
14) Joan Claybrook
15) Cindy Cohn
16) Debra Cooper
17) Bob Craemer

(17 ppl in and not a single black woman or man 🤔)
18) Emily Crockett
19) David Cruickshank
20) Alan Cumming
21) David Donnelly
22) Jeffrey Dugas (couldn't find photo but he's a white man)
23) Erica Fein
24) Robert Fellmeth
25) David Fenton

Here's an observation now that I'm 1/4th done.

Mostly white men
Very few women
2 women of color
Not a single black man or woman so far.

Warren is the best to handle racial injustices?

Anyway...thread contines...
26) Reg Garcia (Couldn't find pic)
27) Kathleen Geier
28) Dr Jacqueline Gill
29) Steve Gillers
30) Danny Goldberg
31) Alexis Goldstein
32) Mark Green
33) Greg Greene (couldn't find photo - described as an "Activist" all found photos were of white men)
34) Arshad Hasan
35) James S Henry
36) Jodi Jacobson
37) Taj James
38) Eugene Jarecki
39) Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
40) Nicolas Johnson
41) Amaha Kassa

42) Kate Kizer
43) Karen Thomas
44) Eddie Kurtz
45) Kaili Lambe
46) Alex Lawson
47) Gabriela Lemus
48) Crea Lintilhac
49) Mike Lux
50) Brian O'Grady
51) Dr Terry McGlynn
52) Andrew McGuire (couldn't find photo w/description in ltr... white man photo results)
53) Duncan Meisel
<><><>Halfway done<><><>

Here's an observation now that I'm more than halfway done

Mostly white men
White women
4-5 women of color
1 black woman
2-3 black men

Warren is the best to handle racial injustices?

Anyway...thread contines...
54) Urvi Nagrani
55) Victor Navasky
56) Josh Nelson (couldn't find photo - used ltr description all white man photos)
57) Eliza Orlins
58) Heather Parton
59) KevinPerez Allen
60) Rick Pearlstein
61) Michael Pertschuk
62) Chris Pyle

(This is depressing)
63) Claire Potter
64) Wendell Potter
65) Varshini Prakash (Sunrise Movement)
66) Jim Pugh
67) Ricardo Ramirez
68) Andreq Rasiej
69) Diane Ravich
70) Robert Reich
*****For those that are wondering what this thread is, it's a thread of the 100 people & photos of who signed a letter pushing for Warren as VP. I'm at #70 and so far only 1 black woman on this list*****
71) Alberto Saavedera
72 & 73) Guy & Janine Saperstein
74) David Segal
75) Ricky Silver
76) Gail Sheehy
77) Steve Schlesinger
78) Steve Skrovan
79) Gerson Smoger
80) Shannon Stagman
81) Tom Sullivan
82) Evan Sutton (Think I got his photo)
83) Jennifer Taub
84) Laurence Tribe
85) David Turnbull
86) Merici Vinton
87) Harry Waisbren

...Y'all, we're down to the last few and still only 1 BLACK WOMAN
88) Evan Weber (Sunrise Movement)
89) Laurence Wilkerson
90) Dr Katharine Wilkinson
91) Lauren Windsor
92) William Winters III
93) Brandon Wolf
94) Winnie Wong (Bernie Sanders)
95) Tim Wu
96) Murshed Zaheed
<><><>End of List<><><>

96 people signed this letter urging Biden to pick Warren as VP while Laurence Tribe said black women were just cosmetics.

Here's the list of people below- I did my best finding them w/description

This thread was a list of people with photos who wrote Biden a letter urging him to pick Warren as VP...

Mostly white men & white women.
Less than 15 men/women of color.
4-5 black men.
1 black woman

Our of 96 people who signed this letter
Within the letter, this group of people had this to say about Warren ...again MOSTLY white men, and white women (still more white men)
I do want to point out that while researching all these people on this list...95% are extremely wealthy. EXTREMELY.

And there is nothing wrong with that but these wealthy white people think Warren is best for the working class...
Anyway- do as you please with this thread.

Took a few hours but it was definitely NOT surprising to see it was mostly older white men.

Jane Fonda on this list. 97 people. Still just only 1 black woman
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