<Some Thoughts About this Nov>

So lately I've read a bunch of stories that seem unconnected, but I'm sure they are.
First I read that Parscale & Co are lying to trump about his poll numbers. That's STUNNING.

Then I read that Mnuchin is lying about the PPP loans. Why? Because it's not working.

THEN I read a story about how state level GOP operatives are telling donors and reporters...
...they're POSITIVE the economy is right on the cusp of roaring back, a clear lie with 44 million Americans out of work.

Now we see Pence PUBLICLY lying about COVID numbers, and trying to get our governors to do the same.
To me, and taking into account ACTUAL polling, I think the GOP knows they're in existential trouble this year. They're pulling every communications strategy they know to change the narrative and try to salvage 2020. Because communications is all they know how to DO anymore.
People are in the streets for change EVERY DAY for what, two weeks now? In HUGE numbers. AGAINST the GOP.

Meanwhile Ronna McDaniel's lying more every day about GOP enthusiasm. Trump and the GOP are just making shit up about what they've "accomplished," like we're stupid.
Mark my words right now, the GOP knows SO many people are gonna show up this year that not even their suppression and gerrymandering is gonna help them win, or maybe even SURVIVE.

Not only that, the bigots in their base knew 2016 was their last shot too.
We're right on the cusp of something new, and better y'all. Don't get me wrong, there's still a ton of money poisoning our system, and there's plenty of work ahead, but things are looking up.

And yeah, I know that sounds insane.

But I'm tellin' ya, it's TRUE.

Post Script: I'd just like to clarify that this thread by no means is meant to imply anything is a done deal, or that we can get complacent.

What it does mean is that what we've been doing these last few years is working, and if we stay the course, we'll likely win.
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