Mom survived Theresienstadt, Majdanek, & Auschwitz. She was literally a slave. She stayed in Canada 5 years 'til she could legally enter the US. She was a Freedom Rider. She adored this country. "We can walk on the sidewalks! We can vote! We can speak freely!" That's not true now
I believe in America. I fought for this country, I shed blood for this country. I did not fight for destroying synagogues or forcing people to kiss the boots of others. The United States isn't perfect, it fights to BECOME perfect. BILLIONS still look to us as the shining beacon
America doesn't burn or ban books. America doesn't ban movies. America doesn't destroy statues. America doesn't erase history. I lived under Socialism, Communism, and Fascism - THEY do those things. America doesn't.

I will not be a Cassandra, heed my words.
In a certain foreign country I was forbidden 1st Class medals because I'm Jewish. Yes, I experienced antisemitism in the US Marines, but I didn't ACCEPT it and proved myself. The United States is AMAZING. It is PARADISE. We can speak what we want, we can read what we want...
Brothers, Sisters, Comrades... If someone wants you to burn a book. If someone wants you to ban a film. If someone wants you to kiss the feet of another, they are NOT AMERICAN. Jugoslavija banned unpleasantness, and it FESTERED. We are better. We. Are. America.
I'm a Jew. I'm also half Gentile. I hold US and Israeli citizenship. I see the Israeli flag and my heart beats faster. But I see the American flag and my SOUL expands. Our flag is wonderful, it is the TRUE rainbow, it is the TRUE big tent.

We are blessed
I've read The Turner Diaries. I've read Mein Kampf. I've read Das Kapital. I've read Rules For Radicals. I've read Mao's Little Read Book. I've read the Bible, The Torah, & the Uzbek & Kazakh translations of the Koran. YOU CANNOT BAN BOOKS. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT THE WORLD IS LIKE.
I am clumsily pleading to you... America isn't about forcing a dogma. America is letting everyone live their lives according to their souls. If you don't like gays, you don't like Christians, you don't like Jews... fine. You must tolerate. WORSHIP? NO.
Your gay neighbour doesn't affect you. Your religious Christian neighbour doesn't affect you. They're there, get over it. You don't have to worship them or their lifestyle. I lay Tfillin, and we speak Yiddish ONLY in our home. That's our life. I don't expect you to do it.
And I'm tired of ranting, so I'll shut my piehole now. Just remember: The only thing that matters is baseball 😎
Okay, I lied... not done. We took my mom back to Auschwitz. She stood on the ramp that she'd stood on in 1944 and she pulled out her American passport & an Israel flag and SHRIEKED "I BEAT YOU! I F*CKING BEAT YOU!" We didn't even know she KNEW the eff word...
They have taken the slave block down. THIS IS WRONG. Every AfrAm child should stand on it, to FEEL what their ancestors felt. Every AfrAm child should experience & REJECT that ever happening again. In Auschwitz I FELT how my family felt. History cannot be hidden, even if painful.
I was in the Communist Pioneers & the Komsomol. I was in the Mengistu Youth, the Peronista Youth Front, Devan Jèn Duvalier... we were FORCED to wear the scarves, FORCED to sing the songs. America isn't like that, don't let it become that. I beg you... American to American
My mom... she was a saint. Raised us, adopted Catholic boys & learned Gaelic & Polish to make them feel at home. She yelled herself hoarse at Auschwitz... then with the remains of a voice told us "Amerikeh iz a vunder, Amerikeh iz lebn" America is wonderful. America is LIFE
I refuse to let my mom be wrong.
The certain foreign country I fought for mandated medals be awarded in front of a statue of someone many regard as a war criminal. I didn't demand the statue be removed, I merely refused to stand in front of it. Others consider him a hero. I don't. (ccing @DucadiSpalato)
After a LOT of fighting, I was awarded my 2nd Class medals (Jews not allowed 1st Class) in front of the national Cathedral instead of the statue. The statue still stands & I have no issues with that. I accept the viewpoints of others.
And if anyone is still reading this...
Amerikeh iz a vunder. Amerikeh is leben. America is wonderful. America is LIFE.
I REFUSE to let my mother be wrong
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