OK very well let's do this
out of legal reasons i dont talk about elections in the us on twitter, yadda yadda yadda hatch act etc etc etc
off the bat we learn kevin is super super scared of white people being called racist. like really really scared. like if the scarecrow from batman manifested his fear it would be people dunking on him on twitter for being racist or sth
i check how long the piece is and go "13 minute read?!!!!" to myself
my hometown has 11 million people and is 3 cities merged together, but its exotic so its a wilderness and its totally fine to not call it by the WHO name because then the Chinese win
kevin also just skips over like the month or so of hate crimes against Chinese people, Taiwanese people, Koreans, Hmong, Japanese, and some Southeast Asians that look vaguely east asian because nobody has consequences except white people that get called racist.
chaser (i forgot where it is but theres some video of some local journo going 'i guess that woman worked at the store she's carrying items out of.' yes the woman was white)
kevin tries painting mariame kaba, who has been working on prison abolition for decades and who has been raising money for toys, summer vacation work grants and books for Black children and teens and building community resources, as not reasonable/knowledgable about policing
Kaba has an immense work ethic for housing, education, mental health, DV victim advocacy and many other types of city, county and state level policies, esp in Chicago and NY. The heart of her argument is often what money she thinks would be effective policy. it's very specific
Kaba specifically has worked with Survived and Punished and has singled out Domestic violence victims that have been marginalized by the system and criminalized instead of getting saved by it. This has informed her distrust in the police.

Kevin has an uncle he likes
Kevin is banking on the latter sounding scary in having us forget that charlottesville people beat clergy and ran a woman over with their car until she died, and CHAZ is like a bunch of undergrads in a park chalking murals

but reality, like life in jurassic park, finds a way
extremely deep trauma at being called a cracker
mexican is not a race but im already just sort of through the fuckin looking glass at this point tbh
i am also deploying my emergency tumblr meme
oh my god if only there was some kind of book or article or something that would resolve this very very difficult question

like a book on how to be an anti racist

what would that even look like
lol @ the joe rogan recommendation at the end
I slept on it and Kevins refusal to get even remotely uncomfortable is also extremely dangerous given his platform and ability to dismiss Black and non black poc pain tbh
We are at a dangerous time. A 19 year old girl was sexually assaulted and murdered with no one believing or trying to help her.

People like Kevin do not and refuses to see people like Oluwatoyin Salau. At all. That's where the danger lies... because it's not a fringe viewpoint
It's not simply the white fragility in play but the deliberate blocking out of pain and harm that has been inflicted on Black people. He refuses to look at it

That refusal is a conscious choice
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