You know what authoritarianism looks like?

It looks like Gorka at VOA.

It looks Mnuchin refusing to disclose the businesses that received more than 1/2 trillion in aid.

It looks like unidentifiable fed. officials deployed by the AG.

It looks like the military in our streets..
It looks like the President politicizing our armed forces.

It looks like IGs removed at will.

It looks like DOJ trying to dismiss its case against an ally of the President.

It looks like the President threatening to withdraw federal funds from states enacting vote by mail...
It looks like a hundred other things Trump has done in the last week. In the last month.

Then, of course, there's Ukraine.

Then, of course, there's Russia.

You either get it or you don't at this point.

The question is: if you get it, what are you doing about it?

It's not enough to vote. Volunteer for a campaign. Help register voters. Donate if you can. Do something.
You can follow @DanielMillerEsq.
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