It's as good a time as any to talk about Diversity Programs in Hollywood and why they don't work. A very fun thread.
1. They recruit people who don't need them. You take a group of people who have already gone to college and done programs like UCB and Second City and then put them in a training program and you're just creating an extra hoop for them to jump through...
Meanwhile their white counterparts with that much training are seen as eligible for jobs. Super trained POC don't need more training, they just need you to hire them.
If you want to do a training program, reach out to people who actually don't have access to the other training programs already out there. Maybe LAUSD school kids?
2. There's too much focus on entry-level jobs and not on retaining diversity. Once they've jumped through that extra hoop POC are often given "diversity slots" or a lower paying "trainee rate" both of which give an incentive to not promote them to the next level.
Getting people in the system is great but you have to provide incentives for promotion too or run the risk of having POC repeat their staff year over and over while their white counterparts move up in the ranks.
Here's a graph! I told you this thread would be fun!
3. You'd think since I started a numbering system I'd have at least 3 points, but it turns out I just had 2. In conclusion, higher and promote POC and don't make them do extra steps to get those gigs.
Oh wait! I have a third point! We need more POC show creators and showrunners. I have an idea for a diversity program that would do that, it's called "Just greenlight shows created by POC."
Anyway, if this thread gets me cancelled, I'll be in a diversity program next year.
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