The thing you have to understand about millennials is we were trained for 18+ years in preparation for a world that no longer exists
Those before us managed to get in on that world that no longer exists. Those after us started out knowing that world no longer exists.
We were right at that cutoff where the lies fell apart. Unprepared and without a parachute.
This doesn’t mean those after us got off easy. The world is still fucked. But millennials experienced major whiplash by reaching adulthood right at the crucial turning point.
It’s a part of our psyche and it will always be. That kind of whiplash leaves scars.
IMO don’t bother with generational discourse unless it’s trying to come to a better understanding of each other

Or to rip on proverbial boomers
Do the generational equivalent of sharing your salary, so we can all see how we’re being fucked
I’m on the cusp between gen x and millennials, so like, intergenerational solidarity is a lil my thing
Yep and for the next ten years after that, everyone still acted like real benefits were a thing. Major gaslighting. Old Economy Steve nonsense
I’m so disabled that I’ve never had regular employment and even I could see how extreme the changes were
Yep. Just walk outside and trip over all the job opportunities that fling themselves at you!
Yeah AFAIK the “STEM PhD pumping gas” thing first became a thing with millennials, and it sure af wasn’t millennials making it happen
Yepppppppppppp there’s how you make an entire generation bitter
That or like, dooming a generation to a Mad Max-style apocalyptic wasteland. That’ll do it too
A small perk of being one of the last to experience public education back when it was still alright
We had sex ed and everything, that part was kinda nice at least
Oh so it’s international even! Fuuuuuuuuck
Thank you, everyone sharing your stories in the replies and quote tweets. We outnumber the handful of rich assholes fucking us over. We will make change happen.
One pattern I’ve noticed with angry replies to this thread is they all seem disproportionately angry. They also seem to adopt a Republican-style mentality of “shut up and deal with it.” Either that or equivocating as though all generations experience the same thing.
“Shut up and deal with it,” when shouted angrily at other people, is typically a sign that someone has learned to dismiss their own pain.

Equivocation can be the same thing, or it can be the result of someone just not knowing what they’re talking about.
But if you’re gonna be mad, stay mad I guess 😜 The rest of us have to deal with crap whether or not you think it’s real
Some people have rightly pointed out that yes, this kind of talk has been used and abused by well-off whites to downplay their own privilege. AFAIK, this generational shift has hit everyone though, it’s just that whites started off much better and still navigate it with privilege
It is also true that some gen x’ers were hit by this change ahead of the curve. Generational discourse is, by its very nature, about general trends across an entire population. Any individual can be an exception, or an early sign of a coming trend.
You have to imagine a very fuzzy chart rather than a razor-thin line separating generation A from generation B. I’m a cusper and trans, know this all too well.
There it is:
If you’re older than us and don’t understand what changed after reading this thread, let me ask: What’s your retirement plan?

Most of us don’t even have burial money. Or for the younger folk, don’t expect the planet to be habitable long enough to die of old age
“Retirement plan? What’s that?”

That’s the cutoff point, where that statement becomes the norm
Or at least, *a* cutoff point
Thanks again everyone for sharing your stories. I hear you. None of us are alone.
Ok it feels weird to say “muting the thread” after saying “I hear you” but hopefully you get me
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