New govt commission on racial inequalities is being set up by a No 10 adviser who has cast doubt on existence of institutional racism and condemned previous such inquiries. It is understood she hopes to recruit Trevor Phillips as part of the commission.
"Race equalities commission led by Munira Mirza is dead on arrival. She has never believed in institutional racism": @HackneyAbbott.

"Hard to have confidence in policy recommendations from someone who denies existence of very structures that produce the inequalities": @IRR_News.
Don't know much about Munira Mirza, but other people's views about her suitability for such a role don't give much hope.

But if she is actually considering Trevor Phillips as part of her team, that tells me all I need to know about her and her intentions.
Munira Mirza:

- worked for Policy Exchange
- wrote for Spiked
- criticised Lammy review
- defended Boris when he called Muslim women bank robbers
- criticised Sam Gyimah when he criticised Oxbridge's low numbers of black students.

What a great person to lead inquiry on racism!

I guess this is *the* article by Munira Mirza, to see what her approach to institutional racism is likely to be.

What are the chances someone who wrote an article titled "The Myth of Institutional Racism" will conclude institutional racism exists?
"Stop pandering to Muslims", "Hierarchy of Victimhood", "Diversity is Divisive", "The Myth of Institutional Racism", "What Now for the M-Word?" (Multiculturalism).

Just some of the articles written by Munira Mirza, the person reportedly appointed to head the inquiry into racism.
"Everyone should be worried about how anti-racism is becoming weaponised. It seems a lot of people in politics think it's a good idea to exaggerate the problem of racism. It makes no sense to blame racism for the ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system": Munira Mirza.
Having said all that, I really hope I've not been looking into some other "Munira Mirza" who has said all this stuff dismissing anti-racism measures and Boris's friend is in face a huge supporter of diversity and the Lammy Report etc.

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