Never forget this mountain was sacred to the local Indigenous groups and this was 100% on purpose.
And the guy that carved it also carved this monstrosity in Georgia and was a big fan of the Klan.
For those who can't tell, this is Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis, heroes of the slave-owning Confederacy.
For those interested in learning more about the spiritual home to violent white supremacy and the legacy of the sculptor of these two monstrosities, I made a thread:
If someone has a history of Mount Rushmore, especially an Indigenous point of view, let me know and I'll link it here. Also if there are any petitions or fundraisers for Indigenous causes I'd like to link those here as well. Also also, #FreeLeonardPeltier.
Further clarification: the site was chosen with knowledge that it's sacred land to the Lakota Sioux. It is still sacred land to them.

I was not sure of the specific group(s) that considered it sacred and didn't want to misspeak or leave any groups out. I'm still learning. Sorry
For those saying "blow it up," perhaps we should give the land back to the rightful owners, the Lakota Sioux, and allow them to decide. Undoing the damage of white supremacy is more than destroying it, it's also making reparations.
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