Playing to the alt right in plain sight. Warning there will later be screenshots of some pretty revolting attitudes after I trawled the dark side for some examples last night. Also wondering how many trolls will attack me for this.
I'll start with Foxs use of language
I also listened to several interviews with him on the same day. As with most commentators we have the bad people on both sides stance, although labels arent attached to nazi saluting, monkey chanting hooligans attacking police, while we get lots of hard left,Marxist labelling
He starts off with "All lives matter" which he might think makes him sound reasonable and neutral to those not following this so closely, however plenty of ppl have explained why this phrase is designed to diminish the message of #BLM, first used by alt right in US,previously
they were using "white lives matter" which didnt catch on so well in the mainstream due to its supremacist overtones. BLM has been going for several years in US and alt right has tried to label it a black supremacist movement,which is interesting as this is what Spectator did.
Here we are, BLM is about denying white people agency according to this article by D Murray and shared by regular media commentator Fraiser Nelson.

Almost like they are saying BLM are racists and they are a threat to white people and want to seize their wealth, almost...
Actually theres no fucking almost about it, that's exactly what the next paragraph says

The black racists and their white woke Marxist collaborators are coming for your wealth white people!

Fear them, hate them, definitely dont listen to them, listen to the rich white writer
Full article here. I think the attempts to say the specific demands of BLM in US are the same as those protesting in UK is nonsense, no one is calling for defunding the police here,however Spectator has spent a decade defending a UK gov that has cut police
They do play the old 'trying to silence debate no dissenting voices allowed' card, ignoring the fact their writers get plenty of airtime, while trying to label BLM as a whole as unreasonable extremists who shouldnt be listened to.
The bingo card of 'enemy' terms to rile up the right is pretty complete,
'Woke eye of Sauron'
'Death of liberal ideal'
Cancelled,identity, Marxists, far left radicalisation,hard left, illiberal radicals,even a line where they say they dont have the same minds as 'us' liberals
It also uses 'cultural revolution', Johnson's statue article talked of 'erasing history' and Liam Fox talked of 'cultural replacement' in interviews,in regards to people wishing to pull down statues, referencing Churchill in particular,how many people actually want that down?
Very, very few, but it helps turn people against BLM so the gov doesnt have to act. As for erasing history?In reality protesters want the full history of Britain rather than the edited version after much of the massacres and atrocities have been erased
A lot of callers on radio phone ins have said modern UK isnt as overtly racist as US, what we have is more subtle, a lot more is unconscious bias, but the Spectator talking about cultural revolution, black supremacists and wealth seizure plays straight into replacement theory
Of course while many more respectable characters in the media are more subtle in pandering to this mentality for political purposes, we do have a few who are more overt.
From a couple of weeks ago. Lament or green light?
Last week images of fake flyers supposedly being distributed across Scottlant were spreading across the alt right corners of the internet.
Worth remembering the Spectator article mentioned 'money pouring into the BLM','respectable' ones drop hints and leave the rest to trolls
1st image shows the same approach as the Boogaloos, war is coming (pick a side). Disinformation in one country feeds the trolls in other countries.
Probably played a part in the mob scenes in George Square in Scottland at the weekend. Reminds me of the attack a Muslim flyers
'Cultural Replacement' struggled to gain much traction in UK, it comes in waves, but the taking down of the Bristol statue has really triggered trolls and those who buy into their ideology.
Remember the MSM are enemies in on the the conspiracy
There are common themes across the world, Muslims are a main target in Europe, in areas of US its Mexicans turning them into a 3rd world country

How many UK commentators have referenced Orwellian or Taliban in regards to BLM? Farage definitely has.
Not a massive fan but in the UK the London Mayor is a prime target. Interesting that many of these accounts in UK appear to stoke racial tensions for political means. Use white supremacists tropes then encourage voting for Saum Bailey.
As with a lot of pro Trump and pro Tommy Robinson type accounts, even when talking about BLM they still fit in the idea that there is some grand pedophile conspiracy going on. Dont trust anyone except us who know the truth, fostering extremism uses similar methods to grooming
They will also squeeze in attacks on LGBT+ into most topics. Diversity in general is a dirty word, some see it as establishment code for cultural replacement, remember the 'scum media' are complicit.
It's not just trolls, this Brexit Party bloke even has a blue tick. Once again it's about 'silencing the vast majority' it's like a blunt summary of the Spectator article.
As I said this kind of thing has been going on for a while in the UK.
Tommy Robinson and Russia =good
The focus on statues in the media plays right into these peoples hands.
Advocacy for symbols of benevolent British Empire while describing EU as an oppressive empire?
Many of these phrases bubble up and are repeated on radio phone ins.
Too many ethnic minorities in adverts was one I heard repeatedly last night.
Theres also a divide in US and UK on how they use Israel. In UK it's the antisemitic left in league with Muslims, in the US cultural replacement is blamed on the Jews manipulating muslims.

It's all bollocks
A lot of the more troll looking accounts were created in the last few months or September/October last year pushing for Brexit to be done without an extension.
Breitbart = Steve Bannon
The MAGA/Bannon network, and the Moscow troll farms have been very supportive of Johnson right from the start of his tenure as Prime Minister.
No 10 will know which messages will be amplified by these networks
When Cummings was in the news and the government was getting battered on all sides the trolls were quick to jump to Johnsons aid with the 'Scum media's hashtag. It helps drive the alt rights anti MSM message. I'm not a fan but this is insidious
Defund the BBC is also a new trend, very Trumpian, attack all the media, the only people you can trust are the alt right suppliers of 'truth' as I said earlier, distrust, division and isolation into echo chambers are grooming methods
Remember they love the phrase 'the silent vast majority'

You are not alone, you are the oppressed majority, rise up, we support you, join the gang.

A summary here on how troll farms operate to influence people.
Heres one individual who manages to get over 600k for his independent campaign as a student, now has his alternate news/debate organisation and is highlighting the 'silent majority' that was shown in a few tweets earlier to be a coordinated disinformation campaign,
Expect this young 'grassroots' campaigner to start getting interviews and slots on the MSM who supposedly are silencing his views that are shared by the vast majority, reminds me of a certain 'journalist' from Guido
There will be more than one source for the amplifying trolls that are there to embolden real people. In October there were 'veterans' ready to fight for Brexit, nurses accounts last month, recently its been teachers, some more extreme than others
Where does a lot of this cultural replacement theory originate?
Qanon, worth a few searches in here and google to better understand. This is a guide I saw posted for those just learning 'the truth'
Satanic cabal in charge of money and media? Sounds a bit 1930s Germany to me
Qanon are the elite of far right conspiracy cranks, but they arent tin hat wearers, they are recruiters and organisers and they're here in the UK dragging people down the rabbit hole. Attacking 5G masts and anti lockdown protests was almost like a test run for compliance.
Some in gov and media know exactly what they're doing when they make references to BLM as cultural replacement/revolution/ erasing history.

For political expediency they're riding a far right tiger which will bite the hand that feeds it if they they to get off.
By the end of tomorrow I'm probably going to have been absolutely hammered for writing this thread.

I'll take a guess at the obvious less offensive things I will get called
Marxist? Unpatriotic? Hard left? Playing politics? Supporting violence? Anti Brexit? Enabler?

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