I’m so sick of hearing people say the Dem (it’s always only the Dems) candidate needs to earn their vote or they’ll go 3rd party

What have the Greens or Libertarians EVER done to earn our votes besides nominate jokes & campaign strategically to throw the election to the GOP?
With the exception of Nader & Weld, the Greens consistently nominate the back of a Dr. Bronner’s bottle & the Libertarians put up an unmoderated Reddit thread in a trench coat who thinks seatbelts are oppression

They want to be taken seriously, but they do not take us seriously.
We need more than two parties.

But we do not need THESE third parties that only run every four years, refuse to bother with local or congressional elections, constantly promote unelectable anti-science, anti-common sense joke candidates that take the money & run.
If Biden hasn’t earned your vote by adopting a progressive platform & literally hiring the candidates you supported, what in the name of Al Gore has Howie Goddamn Hawkins done besides get installed by a corrupt party apparatus doing the EXACT crap the DNC was accused of?
I’d be stunned if the majority of third party voters even knew much of the policy their candidates supported. Stein was an anti-vaxx weirdo who thought WiFi gave you cancer & dined with Putin. She raised money for a recount then vanished with it.

THIS party has earned your vote?
Have you ever seen or read ANYTHING about the Liberatarian Party Convention?

I go to science fiction conventions on the regular and we are not HALF as off the farm as these guys. They hate drivers licenses & the age of consent with a passion.

THIS party has earned your vote?
Third parties in other countries are serious political units who form coalitions, run candidates at every level, & attempt governance.

It’s not supposed to be a protest vote. It’s supposed to be a real org with the same expectations as the big parties

In America, theyre a grift
The GOP bankrolls Green candidates to split the vote on the left & yet every four years I still get to hear how the Dem hasn’t earned our votes so the only ethical thing to do is vote for the candidate who does nothing to court anyone & is funded by evangelical conservatives
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