anyway fuck inequality in health care
anyway, hey all u fucking walnuts: i didn’t write the line about anxiety, i (more than you know) know that mental health issues ARE medical issues but you choosing to focus on syntax is very smooth brain of you and i would like to respectfully offer you this:

fuck off :,)
I don’t have a soundcloud but no one is looking for Vanessa Guillen, a 20 year old soldier stationed at Ft Hood who went missing after being sexually harassed. Demand that the Army be held accountable for their soldier.
please feel free to drop your petitions and BIPOC owned businesses under here. In addition, please use this link to find a way to assist the #BlackLivesMattters movement. 
for my VERY special walnuts who still aren’t getting how this pertains to inequality: IF I, AS A WHITE WOMAN WITH ACCESS TO “GOOD” HEALTHCARE MY WHOLE LIFE, took years to get diagnosed, how long do you think it takes people who don’t have that same kind of access?? huh??
how come men can have 97 different ways to get a medically induced woody, but female reproductive health is a medical abyss of bullshit?

Why are WOC dying in childbirth at such a high rate in the United States???

hOw iS tHiS aBoUT eQuALiTy
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