Move along... Nothing to see...
Just a government contract for £108m handed without tender to a company that in their last accounts only had net assets of £18k...
Remember, Cummings has long detested pesky EU procurement rules...
It all seems very weird.
Prior to this year, the only records of them actually trading as a business are selling pest control products as Pestfix 
Quoted from the above article:
The Department of Health and Social Care declined to comment.
Dan England, co-founder of PestFix, said it had won the contract because it was small enough to be “dynamic” and had made a competitively priced commercial offer.
“We are a success story. We have not been sitting around on social media casting around for equipment; we had a thriving supply chain with China before the contract. We have nearly fulfilled our NHS contract and supplied over 67m pieces of equipment.”
Can anyone confirm whether this was the case. It seems very peculiar to use a pest control product reseller to import PPE... Particularly in such huge quantities.
Something stinks about this whole deal.
Also, their own website (for a company that calls itself Crisp Websites) was the webserver's default page when no site is configured on every past version that is viewable on the Internet Archive.
If @JolyonMaugham & @GoodLawProject hadn't picked up on this, would it even have received any press coverage at all?
Hmm... This doesn't inspire confidence:
Here's another thread about which other companies are connected to the ones mentioned above.
Of particular interest are two set up during the last few month. Why the sudden flurry of activity creating new companies now?
And interestingly, in a previous wording on their website they admit to being essentially unqualified for the job...
But they changed it to something slightly less damning.
Another thread of updates to this story:
Today the story got a mention in the House of Commons thanks to the SNP's @Dr_PhilippaW
And some more developments - Crisp Websites / Pestfix isn't the only unlikely company to receive orders...
And the procurement weirdness continues in this new thread with more vast contacts going to highly unlikely entities (both based on size if company & field of operation).
Seaborne Freight has become the new normal...
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