let's talk about the many ways men are complicit in sexual abuse:
a) you remain friends with known rapists. people who have been exposed or you yourself have seen being predatory.
b) your first instinct is to discredit whenever you see a sexual abuse story.
c) you love speaking over women. you think misogyny is a quirky personality trait bc your friends clap for you.
d) you refuse to educate yourself on women's struggles let alone acknowledge its existence.
e) you think there are multiple ways to convince a girl when there is no. your understanding of r*pe is limited to extreme force and violence.
f) you believe you have all the answers for what "real" feminism is - silencing women who are trying to make a change.
g) you insist there is a link between rape & sexual lust and desire. constantly urging women to "dress well".
h) you scroll past when we are speaking about sexual abuse. no RTs, no support.
i) when you do support you tweet "we need to do better as men" but do nothing in your actual life to make women feel safe and comfortable.
h) even down to your sex life, you don't care about women's pleasure. because to you we are objects here for men's satisfaction.
j) when we are talking about sexual abuse you deflect to how women "lie" and "deserve" the same punishment. where is the energy for rapists who are not receiving punishment as well? unpack it.
k) when we are talking about how women are abused you bring up how "men are abused too". what do you do materially for these conversations to take place? why do you only bring this up when women are speaking?
l) when women share they have been abused you are quick to ask why they have not reported it. tell me almighty feminist, when have the police served to protect women who are being abused? show me.
m) when a woman shares she's being abused you're quick to claim she's trying to ruin a man's reputation. sorry what reputation? what exactly makes him important?
n) when a woman shares she's been abused you ask what she was doing there "at that time".
o) your understanding of r*pe is limited to a stranger attacking you in the bushes, so when a woman shares she has been hurt by her boyfriend or husband, you fail to see the problem. worse, some of you claim he has a right to sex.
p) "there's two sides to a story", "we need evidence", "let's wait for the man to talk", "but at first she said yes". if this is you, unpack it.
q) have you read any books on the oppression of women? or is your "feminism" and "allyship" guided by Twitter, dictionary definitions and Wikipedia? do you ask women questions? do you ever really even try to learn? the lack of empathy and dissociation is your privilege.
r) you're so entitled to your gratification that you believe consent cannot be withdrawn halfway through sex. you don't listen when women say no, stop, or show clear signs of discomfort because everything has to be about YOU and YOUR needs.
s) you're so desensitized to the violence inflicted upon women per the media, and yes, even in films, video games and pornography that i have SEEN so many of you brush shit off when a woman is talking about her trauma post-abuse. because the abuse of women is NORMAL TO YOU.
t) when women speak out about abuse you reduce it to "unnecessary gender wars", and worse, when a popular figure in the black community is accused (such as KKD) you accuse women of being "divisive" and "pulling down our greats".
u) you love to use religious text to justify why women must "serve", particularly the Bible. religion is your security blanket for justifying the continued suppression of women.
v) you hate when people speak out about r*pe, because in your heart, you have done the same shit before. plain and simple.
w) you don't speak to the boys in your life about consent. not your little siblings, not your friends, not yourself. you continue to pretend like it does not exist.
x) "i asked her and she said yes" - but she was drunk. how do demand sober answers from someone who is intoxicated? how?
y) [vulgar] you think because she was wet as someone abused her, it means she wanted it. again your understanding of r*pe is extremely limited.
z) and finally, you simply do not care because it does not affect you. you don't have to take "preventive measures" when you go outside. you don't know what it's like to fear for your life when you're catcalled. because one action by you - lasts as a lifetime of trauma for girls.
these are 26 ways you are complicit, and there are even MORE, because you people refuse to be better. i would say "educate" yourself but quite frankly you know how you benefit from the shit you do. for anyone interested:
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