Hyperborean Aryan
🌞 I1 Nordic WHG Red Nordid R1a/b ♂
"Who are the red Europeans? Where'd they come from?"
🌞 Nordics thrive in the Northern Latitudes of Europe and NA: coniferous and deciduous forest, mixed woodlands, fjords, valleys, seasides, prairies, and meadows. Enjoy temperate climates and pleasant surroundings with the even expression of all four seasons.
♂ Redhead origin is still unknown, but speculated they came from the Himalayas and Northern Russia. They enjoy cold and minimal light, such as boreal forest, woodland steppe, and high elevations. Far northern latitudes where it is cold, dark, and snowing for most of the year.
🌞 The Nordic face is serene and harmonious. In it are associated all higher morals and virtues. Dolicocephalic, sculpted, lean facial features, and a straight nose. Skin ranges from pale, golden, and tan. Gray-blue eyes, blonde hair. Athletic and tall stature.
Some examples with very strong Nordic admixture: Notice they all tend to be lean, with serene, harmonious faces, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and skin in between a pale or golden hue.
♂ The Red Nordid face is quite the opposite, suggesting wildness and aggravation. Brachycephalic, squared, fleshy features, and a lower nasal root. Skin is RED in pure subjects, but is pale, ruddy, or freckled for most, and burns very easily. Dark blue eyes, medium stature.
Some examples of people with very high red nordid admixture: Notice the general trend towards red hair, dark blue eyes, ruddy skin, and fleshy features.
Worth noting that Red Nordids have a much higher sensitivity to heat than normal, lower sensitivity to electric shock, and very sensitive sex organs. They tend to age very well (neoteny). Highest lactose tolerance of any other race, and highest tolerance for alcohol (duh).
An important note when determining racial origin or racial fitness even, is that nutrition and astrology are very strong determinants in bone density and facial shape. Even though the man here on the left is clearly more robust than the right, neither are more nor less Nordic!
Mixes between Nordic and Red Nordid races is common and widespread. Pure Nordics are not too rare, maybe 10% are totally undiluted or less. Red Nordids, due to thousands of years among foreign blood, are maybe less than 2% are pure. The other 98% are pale, freckled, ie "ginger."
🌞 The Nordic people are honest and honorable. They value courage, loyalty, and order. They love nature and are generally athletic. Very developed degree of discipline and impulse control. Intelligent & creative. Warlike, but also altruistic. Comfortable nude:
Very innocent, unable to cheat. This race is not shrewd, not because it lacks intelligence, but due to an "angelic" way of understanding the world. Vulnerable in a degraded and debased modern society, meaning darker & more primitive racial types tend to take advantage of them.
♂ The Red Nordids have a very deep connection with nature and a patriotic love for their country. They are intelligent and have a strong memory. They value strength, integrity, and strong character. Impulsive and unpredictable, can fly into fits of fury. Very highly warlike.
This is doubtlessly the race of passion, fire, anger, extremism and even of some cruelty. In the west we call them "hotheaded" or "redneck" and in India are known as "Pitta" or fire types. Can explode and turn red with rage, lack impulse control, and can be very loud and crass.
Considering alpine, steppe habitat as their homeland, such people evolved eating a diet very nearly exclusively consisting of meat/dairy, and most consisted of large megafauna. This conferred higher adrenaline and testosterone, whereas Nordics ate seasonally and became temperate.
🌞 Related to the sky. Worship of ancestors and fallen in combat. Cults of war and virility. Gods of justice, honor, war and order. Esteem for a short and glorious life, ended with a mors triumphalis or "triumphant death". Thoroughly Pagan.
♂ Connected to Nature. Cults of fire, war. Worship of the spirits of water, air, fire and Earth. Plenty of "phallic" constructions related to heavenly bodies. This race seems more gifted for esoteric and "magic." Gods of the Earth, vegetation, waters, homes and families.
The word Aryan has the same etymological origin as Aries, the sign best associated with Mars ♂. The word Aryan is being used incorrectly to describe Nordic Europeans, it really only makes sense in the context of Red Nordids.
Mars is the RED planet. Red Nordids are EXTREMELY RED. It is the planet associated with fire, war, violence, impulsive and restless action, passion, and the phallus, which as we all know TYPIFY the Red Nordid race.
Pure, honest, good. Nordics, the descendants of Hyperborea, are much more closely aligned with the characteristics of the Sun. They even LOOK like the Sun, having beaming yellow hair, sky-lit eyes, and GOLDEN white skin. Sonnenmensch might be a more apt description than Aryan.
Basically it seems pretty clear that these are two distinct races genetically, temperamentally, and spiritually, and should each of their own respective homelands where they can exist undiluted. As much as Blondes need their Lebensraum, so do redheads.
It's our duty to preserve the integrity of these two races, which lasted undiluted for thousands of years of genetic isolation during the glaciation, only to be polluted and intermixed once the glaciers receded. Racial stock must be carefully kept pure if ever to be renewed.
I would like to see small portions of Eurasia and North America, suitably cold enough and abundant in game and resources, closed off to exclusively accommodate Red Nordids so they can continue to racially progress in genetic isolation, much like they have in Ireland.
Moreover, races are only the first step towards speciation. Evolution is not over, and we still have more genetic distance to put between each other, more improvement and refinement. We are nothing more than mere provisional links for the races that sprout from us tomorrow.
Much of the information in this thread is originally sourced from this article by Europa Soberna. Please check out the site, there's a ton of information on hypothesized racial origins, haplogroups, and migrations I'm too tired to elaborate on. https://europasoberana.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-new-racial-classification-i.html
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