1 like = One hot take about Rey
Rey as Luke's daughter wouldn't actually be easy because she would basically deal with the fact that the legend she believed so much was the man who abandoned her in the desert.
TRoS is the most Rey film that could ever Rey in the story of Reys.
Many people say TRoS treats Rey like a virgin. I'm sorry, TLJ also brings an extremely pure hearted character since her ingenuity is always proved as the right way in that film.
TRoS outfit, but with the hair down.
Rey is the most feral in TRoS, but some seems to ignorate this just because most of her rage is towards Kylo Ren.
By the way, Rey has all the reasons in the universe to be mad at Kylo Ren in TRoS. The man manipulated her emotionally. It would be nonsense portray her as someone fine with his bullshit.
Rey ending Palpatine's miserable life belongs to a museum.
Double bladed or just one blade, whatever. What really matters about Rey's lightsaber is the fact that she built from her staff. She mastered the two worlds: Her past as a scavenger and her future as a Jedi.
Rey in green Jedi robes would also slap hard.
By the way, I don't think the character was supposed to be so pure of heart after TFA, but I ain't complaining, because I love pure hearted characters 😊
She only trains so much in TRoS because she is afraid of facing her destiny.
The Skywalker lightsaber calling to her in TFA after we figure out she is a Palpatine in TROS, slaps hard.
The fact that her journey in the sequel trilogy happened in the space of one year is simply perfect. My girl has a life ahead of her.
I still believe that when Rey got the Jedi Texts, Yoda's Force Ghost appeared and said: "Hihihi. Take it all. Skywalker won't read it anyway."
People got mad that her last scene (for now) is in Tatooine. I would be actually concerned if she buried the sabers in Geonosis, because that planet is fucking hell. Tatooine is cute.
I never felt Rey was poorly written in any of the three films.

In some comics though...
Rey as the first character in the films who actually heals people and animals is so fitting to the character.
You have no idea how much it annoys me the fact that the character doesn't have many comics or novels about her.
She is Luke Skywalker's fangirl and what about it?
Duel of The Fates script did my girl a little bit dirty.
Empress Palpatine is cool until you realize it is Darth Sidious possessing Daisy Ridley's body.
The character decided to call herself Rey Skywalker, so you all better respect her decision because next time she appears this is how they gonna call her.
I'm pretty sure the solo reason why Rey dies in TROS after killing Palpatine involves the inclusion of a certain scene that comes right after, but I'm not totally complaining because part of what happens after she dies sits well with the movie's themes of life, death and rise.
FinnRey would slap hard.
Daisy Ridley's acting is a little bit weird sometimes in TFA, but I ain't complaining because: 1. It was a good performance. 2. It was her first big movie, so she was probably nervous. 3. And she improved every little thing about her performance in TLJ and TRoS. So... 🥰
LMAO Dudes wouldn't call her a Mary Sue if Max Landis had not opened his god damn mouth to talk bullshit, just like he always does.
Forget the million stormtroopers that you release per year, Hasbro. I want to know: Where are Black Series TFA and TLJ Rey with a new faceprint? Come on, we already have Poncho and TROS Rey with the new realistic technique. We need the others too.
Daisy Ridley didn't play a dead body for almost 1 minute and did a cartwheel in the middle of the desert for you to tell me that Adam Driver carried, alone, the sequel trilogy.
People who say she is Luke Skywalker 2.0 should rewatch both original and sequel trilogies.
People really expected for her to say: "Rey Palpatine" when her father really went: "Hmm, Emperor Palpatine? Never heard of him, sorry." LMAO
There is a page in TROS visual dictionary in which says that she claimed Luke's lightsaber as her own (She didn't) because (Wait for it) of her scavenger's instincts (What the hell? LMAO) and I don't know how I feel about this.
Alright, this is the hottest take: Rey ressurrecting Ben? It's a big no for me. However, Rey being tempted by someone to ressurrect him and not doing it in the end because she overcame loss and recognized his sacrifice, that would be amazing.
Rey, Rose and Connix doing some missions together would also slap hard.
Rey technically being alone in her last scene (for now) feels right to me. It's an inner and cyclical moment, that shows the character found balance within herself. She is very different from the scavenger we met in TFA.
Rey Skywalker is the perfect middle finger to Emperor Palpatine.
Yes, Poe and Finn are her found family and what about it?
The line "I will earn your brother's saber one day." fits the character. She is feeling like an imposter and Leia is like: "Oh god, this girl is so dramatic, can't she see that she is already part of this family since day one?"
By the way, BB8 and D-O are Rey's children.
I don't like the fact that the Duel of The Fates scripts brought Rey with clothes almost identical to Return of The Jedi's Luke. I really prefer the TROS outfit that honors her beginnings in Jakku while also honors Leia.
A lot of people seem to complain that for a Jedi, she groans a lot during the fights. I would say that the way she behaves during battle is associated to the way she used to survive on Jakku.
Nobody, Palpatine, whatever. If it takes Rey out of her comfort zone, I'm in and she finds a new place by the end of story, I'm in.
We don't talk enough about the fact Rey said C-3PO know the odds better than anyone.
Come on, Anakin, The Chose One, basically saying to Rey: "You got this, girl." is SO good.
I couldn't care less about Rey not ending up in a romantic relationship ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
The collar in her TRoS outfit is the best detail about her look in that film (And also the exposed arms)
Her lightsaber skills evolved 😊
Rey Skywalker worked for me and other people, but didn't work for everyone. I think Marvel should publish a story that happens before the scene. It's not that hard to explain it: She wants to honor the Skywalker, because her grandfather destroyed them.
I've always found amazing how TFA cuts from Finn's stormtrooper helmet to Rey's stormtrooper goggles, as if it is almost saying that these characters are more similar than they think.
Rey's speeder is a highly underrated vehicle in the Star Wars universe.
I honestly believe the color of the stripes in each film symbolizes her journey: It's dirty in TFA because she is a scavenger. It's grey in TLJ because she is neutral and it's white in TRoS because she is the light.
Rey should have met Poe by the end of TFA. They were literally in the same room 🤣
I'm sorry, but the whole X-Wing scene in TRoS screams: "Daughter receives a surprise gift from her father on her birthday."
I can't take it seriously when people tell me she should've ended up in the dark side or dead. Just admit you don't care about her at all and go.
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