Another day in CHAZ, which has now been renamed CHOP. Apparently there is a debate over what the “O” stands for, though:
Ambulance just left the border of CHAZ/CHOP. One guy said he showed up with the person they took away, who allegedly took a mixture of “stuff” and became unresponsive
“If they start shooting, stand behind me” - woman with a baby
A group has marched to the West Precinct, which is about a mile from the East Precinct that is now inside the CHAZ/CHOP zone.

Some barriers have been set up and cops are inside, watching
A few people have blocked off the road in front of the precinct. Woman on the microphone says there are no bad protesters, and she is not here to be peaceful.

“You are not here to be peaceful. You are here to disrupt ...”
“Does anybody know what happened to the people who did not get on board with the French Revolution?”

“CHOPPED,” the crowd answered.
Just outside of a CHAZ/CHOP entry point, “security” blocked off the road for a woman who seems to be unwell.

“Security” asked me to stop filming and leave the area. The “security” woman didn’t answer when I asked what sort of training she had received to get that job.
Big dude with a pretty big looking gun. Don’t know much about guns, anyone know what kind this is?
A mob just came for a local business after a guy inside CHAZ claimed that someone was being held at gunpoint (apparently NOT the case)
One of the men involved in the local business said someone broke in and lit the place on fire. The person left, he told the mob.

The man added that his heart is broken for every person in America.
Some protesters tried to keep the mob at bay as a “deescalation” person tried to talk to one of the men involved in the business.

The man asked why he wasn’t deescalating the mob at the fence.
Also, the person protecting the business handed over belongings that apparently belonged to the person who broke in and set the fire. He recorded it (I think as proof)
Some emotional comments from another man involved in the local business. The business is apparently within the no-cop zone.

“I can’t even get the police to show up, I can’t get the fire department to show up ... and this kind of mob stuff, that doesn’t work.”
Situation calmed down after about 20 minutes, when the mob was apparently convinced that the business owners were not holding someone at gunpoint inside.
Just want to reiterate that a number of people were actively making sure the mob was kept at bay from the business owner. That likely helped prevent the situation from getting a lot worse.
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