Can/should any college resume in-person classes this fall?

Best scenario I can see:

small rural college

real estate cheap, so solo dorm rooms feasible

quarantine upon arrival followed by testing

use all campus facilities to allow six-foot distancing in classrooms

In this scenario there are still no college-sponsored group events, sports, parties

Is this bare-bones version of residential-college life worth the risks? Worth the cost of room and board?

I just don't get how so many presidents are confident about re-opening in person

See this thread about experience of a class of new Army recruits

Universal testing upon arrival

*22% infected within a few weeks*

And this is the ARMY FFS

Typical college environment is a tad less disciplined than Fort Benning

Worst-case scenario, IMO:

Colleges bring students back to campus

Infections spike

In-person classes cancelled

Students living on/near campus continue contact (parties, dorms, apartments), spread virus

--> all the costs of proximity w/no learning benefits

My suspicion:

Colleges are holding out hope of in-person classes in order to keep up enrollments

If they tell the difficult truth now, many students will decide to take a year off

This will send college finances into a tailspin

It is irresponsible to bring students to campus if they will

1) Get little *educational* benefit from being on campus

2) Increase their risk of becoming infected by being on campus

3) Spread infections when they return home

What am I missing?

Note that many *commuter* colleges have already decided to go online

Community colleges were early announcers of classes moving online

It's the "traditional" residential colleges (which educate a minority of students) that are playing this out

Hoping to wake in the morning to lots of informative replies showing why my pessimism is unwarranted

Please enlighten me!

I did not wake to reassuring information

Best I’m hearing is temporary pavilions for outdoor teaching

Colleges bring together lots of young people, who spread the virus asymptomatically or experience mild cases

They will then carry the virus to populations that are far more vulnerable:

college staff

residents of college towns

their own families & towns when school ends

Evidence from Japan that college-age people are major source of virus spread

The president of Brown, Christina Paxson, wrote this a century ago (in Covid years)

Have these prerequisites for a safe opening been met?

Upsurge in cases among young people linked to bars and frat parties in college towns

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