If someone writes an article you disagree with, here is an option that a lot of you seem to have forgotten: read it, then have some thoughts about it. Then have some thoughts about your thoughts. Critically assess your intuitive reaction. Then see if there's any elements of the
... piece that you might agree with. See if it might even - god forbid - adjust your view. Just a tiny bit. Give to the writer all the credit & generosity of interpretation you would give a friend. Apply to yourself all the criticism you'd intuitively direct at an enemy. Then...
... wait a day. Perhaps read the article again. Then, before deciding to post about it on twitter, consider: am I signaling my virtue? Am I just polishing my brand? Am I going to be inadvertently boosting the signal of something I wish had less exposure? Am I just fishing for...
... "likes". Do I have a strategy whereby I might effect positive change? Is my interpretation unique enough to add to the debate? Am I just fueling ineffectual anger? Have I noted my biases? Have I applied humility? Then think, maybe I'll have a tea. Then go make a tea.
Then drink your tea.
Same steps can be applied to tweet threads by virtue-signaling pseudo-intellectual musicians.
You can follow @timminchin.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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