Ten days ago, West Dakota called me with idea. A Brooklyn-based protest creating space and action for Black trans lives. She referenced a New York protest in 1917 when the NAACP assembled 10,000 all wearing white standing up against anti-Black violence. #brooklynliberation
We called @elielcruz, we called @RaquelWillis_, we called @DixPeyton, we called The Okra Project, and more orgs. Our team grew to 150+ .....
Security, scouts, lawyers, liaisons, medics, artists, elders, speakers, consultants, social, transportation, A/V, marshals, ASL interpreters, Spanish translators, emotional healers, and food trucks providing free meals to Black trans folks. (If y’all could see my Google Docs....)
Today, police scanners reported more than 15,000 assembled in Brooklyn for Black trans lives, all wearing white. This is the most important thing I’ve worked on. Thank you. 🤍 #brooklynliberation
This revolution is growing a new, robust generation of organizers and it is so damn beautiful to watch.
And to think @mohomme's art is now a historical artifact. :')
All in the name of people who have been forgotten and erased by this movement over and over again. This is largest trans-based protest in history. Grateful, grateful, grateful.
You can follow @fransquishco.
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