Y'all I've seen like 30 people this weekend posting the same status, which is "I feel like I'm the only one who remembers that we're still in a pandemic." You're not the only one! You just can't see most of us because we're hiding from the pandemic!
Of COURSE you can't see the people who aren't going out and are practicing good mask use and distancing, because we're hurrying home as fast as humanly possible. Of COURSE the people out in public are weighted toward a huge proportion of improper mask-wearers and idiots.
You're not seeing me staying in my house, getting my groceries delivered, reluctantly going out ONLY to the pharmacy and wearing a mask even though I'm not even getting out of my car. I hate how many people are failing us, but I promise, a lot of us are trying HARD on this.
And I know your instinct is to go, "Yeah, but--" and point to those videos of lines outside bars. I know we all feel gaslit. That's a reasonable feeling. But the numbers I'm seeing in polls aren't bearing out the idea that nobody is scared except you.
I don't have a hopeful message here about safety or declining infections or getting back to normal any time soon (the smartest people I know are betting on early 2021 for our earliest return to normal) but you feel isolated because you're isolated. That doesn't mean you're alone.
And it is so important to know that we're not alone.

[/end sermonizing, and back to putting away the stockpile of food I just got to last me until July.]
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