How I grew from 0 to 100 followers in 6 days?

--> Read this thread below to get the shortcut

Special thanks to these people from who I got tips to grow the tribe.


1. Profile

- keep your profile pic clean and simple, don't complicate things.

- design a clean header containing things you do or an eye-catching line.

- in the header, include CTA. This helps a lot.

Now you done with your profile let's move to next step.

2. Making lists

- find accounts in your niche with a large following, get 8-10 of them, add them on a list.

- make another list of small-medium accounts who engage a lot, find such 8-10 such accounts and add to the list.

Now you've got two list ready. Let's move forward

3. Your tweets

- you should tweet 4-7 tweets daily

- I would suggest write down 70-80 pieces and schedule them for an entire week

- use tweetdeck to schedule them. It is a free platform in Twitter.

- so you have tweets scheduled for a week, now you can focus on engaging

4.a. Engage Engage Engage

- now this is the game-changer.

- go to lists and engage with the accounts their.

- make sure you provide value to them

- like, comment, retweet, quoted tweet are the ways to engage


- for large accounts, try to comment something valuable within 1 hour of their tweet. If it is 1+ hour ago, you should go for quoted tweets

- for small and medium sized, comment as much as possible providing value.

Now next how to comment?


- don't copy paste irrelevant quotes

- comment like this 👇🏻👇🏻
Be authentic, don't fake it.
6. Quoted retweets

- don't say agree or right, you can say that in comments

- for quoted tweets, the original tweet should also get value

- try something like this
7. Likes and retweets

- remember you've unlimited likes and retweets.

- don't be so cheap, you aren't paying any taxes for them

- when you feel the tweet is good, like it

- when it is really good, retweet

- if you can add value, quoted tweets or comments

Now next step

8. Caring

- when a new person likes or retweets your tweet or reply,

Go to their account, find their original tweets and engage with them.

Either like, retweet, comment or quoted.

This will increase chances of following bc they already liked your comment

Next step

9. What if someone follows you?

- when you get a new follower, DM him saying thank you, ask him how was his day.

Sound genuine, not only for the sake of addressing.

Try to build connections.

And boom!

We got followers.

I got 100 in first 6 days of starting my twitter journey.

There are people getting 200 in first week.

You can too!
10. Bonus

How much should you be doing daily?

- 4-7 tweets
- 20+ comments
- 10+ quoted tweets
- 20+ retweets
- unlimited likes

Hope this brings value!

Thank you for everything.

You can DM me if needed.

Anything to add?

I think this the best shortcut you are looking for.

If you don't want to do this,

Then all the best.

No one can help you.

Also these few people gave the best advice while Starting


Check them out.
Some of the above steps where told by them to me.

Thanks a lot 🙏
You can follow @_TheBookGuy_.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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