#nofgm The day of your mutilation. What hapoend to me. Thread
Throw a massive party for unassuming little girl. Tell her she is beautiful and is going to be a woman. Drown her with gifts and still say to her. You are going to be a a woman.
Tell her we love amyou and we treasure you . Still say you are going to be beautiful and you are going to be a woman. Tell her you are going to be brave and l shower her with love
Everyone in the party is females and they are all singing, eating literally having a massive party. They are celebrating you. You are just 6yrs. You feel loved so much. You have so many gifts yet you dont know nothing
Beautiful colourful dresses. You feel like a princess. The best kept secret is .what is it going to take to be a woman that they are describing to you . You have no idea what awaits http://you.you  are groomed
The day arrives and you will find how to be come a woman. First lovingly led to a make shift hut.
Then there it's where your butchery takes place. You are held down. Naked from waist. Legs pulled apart so hard.
Dirty razors come out. Then you are literally butchered. No aneasthesia at all . Every cut your body is engulfed in pain. Now imagine million cuts that how I saw it.
Every cut is truly horrific. The pain so great. Your body is absolutely submerged in pain. Your body is protesting so much my violently shaking. Your voice gone within seconds because you scream hard
You see your blood in the cutters hands. Her hands completely soaked in your blood. You see your flesh is on the floor coated in the sand. All this exposed to me as just tender age of 6yrs.
That day changed my world. That day I knew what happened was painful and I prayed to die. The pain was too much. Being ignored while I screamed for mercy was too much. I couldn't recognize adults around me anymore
This is my story. This is what I want to stop happening to the little innocent girls around the world. No girl should ever experience what 200 million women and girls have already undergone. Leys end this cruelty.
This is cruel violence against women and girls. Its a human right violation. It's your business and mine.
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