It is very disheartening to know that #SushantSinghRajput has commited suicide.
Each year around 800000 people commit Sucide. It means one person every 40 seconds (WHO).

Thread on few basic Islamic teachings to deal with #depression, #sucide or similar issues. (1/n)
You are not your own creator, Allah has created you to test you and will reward you accordingly
So don't see this life and it's achivements and failures as the ultimate things rather focus on faith & good deeds to succeed in this life as well as in eternal life of hereafter (2/n)
Whatever we have including our own life is not our own property but a Bailment (Amanat) from Allah. We have temporary power here & by giving resources and power, Allah wants to see how we uses these resources and our freedom of choice for well being of ourselves and society (3/n)
As the life is test, surely there will be hardship. But ther is always ease with hardship. So no matter what happens, one should never lose hope.
Allah never burden any soul beyond its capacity. So whenever we do something thing wrong under pressure, it doesn't mean pressure was unbearable but it means we fail to handle the pressure which was well within our capacity. (5/n)
Many problems like poverty, oppression, health issues, temporary failures etc forces individuals to take extreme steps

Islam teaches us to help each and every person through whatever means possible to prevent them for harming there own self and taking unpleasent steps (6/n)
A disturbed & distressed mind leads to Sucide & other extreme steps. However indepth understanding of Idea of life, Faith in Supreme power (Allah) and His scheme of affairs, Spirituality, good deeds and remembrance of Allah gives peace, hope and happiness to disturbed souls (7/n)
In a nutshell, One's basic idea of life, faith in Allah, Belief in divine Justice & eternal life after death (or its absence) governs one's life
Belief in God, divine Justice gives meaning to life, it's absence make the life, it's achivements & sufferings meaningless. (8/n)
#Islam gives hope while opposite ideologies kills it. when their is no belief in Divine Justice for whatever we do, people lost meaning in life & surrenders before temporary challanges and find it better to end life to escape from sufferings than to face them with the hope. (9/n)
We have made great progress in science, technology & many other fields but we have failed in finding real peace, Happiness & meaningful life. Despite having many worldly pleasures, no one is truly happy. It's time 'We turn to Allah, before we return to Allah'

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