Confession: I wasn't one who jumped on the #TrumpTrain and I didn't vote for @realDonaldTrump
Nor did I vote for #CrookedHillary

Backstory: I had moved, was being stalked, bought a 9mm for protection and had to update my address before I could make the purchase.
2) Unfortunately, my voter registration was not updated, so I couldn't vote. BIG mistake which was soon rectified.

At that time, I was still on the fence regarding @realDonaldTrump

Oct 2017, after the #HarvestFestivalShooting I learned of 4chan
3) I started regarding the board, theories as to what happened, then soon afterwards, #Qanon started posting.

As I followed along, tracing the #BreadCrumbs seeing articles & videos & going down the rabbit hole, things became much clearer.

Doubt was gone.
Watching this video in particular, solidified my resolve that the right person had been elected legitimately as our #45thPresident of these Great United States!
Yes, I FULLY support @realDonaldTrump and I believe he WILL #DrainTheSwamp and has my vote in #2020!

And I have faith that #NobodyCanStopWhatsComing
#NoOneEscapesJustice ⚖⚖⚖
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