45 microaggressions experienced by BIPOC academics. A thread. 👇🏾 #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #Academics4BlackLives #Racism #Microaggressions #Academia
1. Assuming your work is not good enough because you don’t quote Foucault/Bourdieu/elderly male white scholar.
2. Supervisors and coworkers forgetting to tell you important decisions. #AcademicTwitter
3. Mispronouncing your name/religion/language/ethnicity despite numerous pronunciation explanations.
4. Asking if they can call you a nickname instead.
5. Confusing you for another person of your ethnicity. #AcademicTwitter
6. Being told that you “look like a student.”
7. Being told that you’re “so articulate.”
8. Disregarding your religious or cultural holidays. #AcademicTwitter
9. Assuming you were born in a foreign country.
10. Being mistaken for custodial staff.
11. Asking you why you’re “so sensitive.” #AcademicTwitter
12. Often interrupted while you’re working with small requests (photocopier help/directions/setting up for meetings/etc).
13. Assuming that you are oppressed by your family/culture/community if you identify as a woman. #AcademicTwitter
14. All of your professors/fellow faculty/sr. admin are white.
15. Promoting white people with less academic experience over you.
16. Speaking louder at you when you ask them to clarify something. #AcademicTwitter
17. Viewed as problematic and/or ignored when you make a complaint.
18. Trying to set you up with someone of your own race/ethnicity/religion.
19. Claiming that they understand racial oppression because they are a woman. #AcademicTwitter
20. Qualifying themselves by telling you they have several friends of your race/ethnicity/religion.
21. Assuming you did not get funding/scholarship/job opportunity etc because you’re not qualified enough. #AcademicTwitter
22. Saying “I would have never guessed you were an anthropologist/scientist/professor/etc.”
23. Asking you why you’re so angry when you state your opinion.
24. Expecting you to represent your ethnicity or religion. #AcademicTwitter
25. Complimenting you on your English.
26. Being surprised when you publish an article/defend your dissertation/win a grant/get promoted/achieve tenure etc.
27. Policing your tone. #AcademicTwitter
28. Discouraging you from conducting research in your own community.
29. Denying your experience (“Well that’s not what I experienced”/”But Karen is nice to me”).
30. Using inappropriate humour about your ethnicity/religion/food/clothing/etc. #AcademicTwitter
31. Being told that you’re intimidating when you state your critical analysis.
32. Assuming you know that one acquaintance of theirs that has the same ethnicity/religion/race.
33. Assuming that you’re in the wrong room or lost. #AcademicTwitter
34. Frequently being asked to take notes or make coffee at meetings.
35. Inappropriate violation of personal space/touching.
36. Excluding you from emails about job opportunities, funding, get-togethers, calls for papers, conference calls, etc. #AcademicTwitter
37. Refusing to have weekly socials anywhere other than a pub/drinking establishment.
38. Using the phrase “your people.”
39. Interrupting you when speaking.
40. Being passed over for panels, keynotes, talks, etc for a white scholar who knows less about the topic than you do.
41. Asking you to pick up food for meetings/events/etc from a restaurant serving food from your ethnic background.
42. Assuming you haven't done enough research when quoting the work from scholars that share your race/ethnicity/religious background. #AcademicTwitter
43. Assuming you are an immigrant.
44. Moderator ignores you/skips over you at meetings.
45. Assuming you only have expertise in your own ethnicity/race/religion and not your field in general. #AcademicTwitter
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