41 yrs ago Iran’s Ayatollas used the poor & poorly educated 2 destroy Persian historic landmarks & monuments in the name of justice. Symbols of oppression they called them.
⏭ 41 yrs, they shot 1500 protesters, including kids. Some related 2 those who previously marched FOR them.
They too had similar beliefs & did what #BlackLivesMatter and Antifa are doing.

They took pride in destruction of monuments they claimed were of oppressive & painful to see.
At the end they were only remembered villains.

History always repeats itself.
They promised reparations, jobs, free land, healthcare, etc. They promised peace & inclusivity.
They erased history & wrote their own.

Much like #BlackLivesMatter & other groups full of resentment & hate & deprived of learnjng why history must remain authentic, people believed.
Finally w/ the help of other nations that viewed the Iranian Empire as a threat due to its invaluable oil & gas resources, they turned the naive & desperate citizens against their own prospering gov’t.

They divided & conquered, just like the Democrats & Progressives of 🇺🇸 today.
It took over 4 decades for the majority of the Iranian people to finally see the truth. But it was too late. The bruital dictator Iranian Regime today keeps everyone in check by force & by applying Islamic rules upon which they were founded.
Today no one is free in Iran.
The economy is destroyed. Women get murdered, raped, sodomized, tortured & lashed 4 slightest opposition. Men get similar treatments.

Only those who donate to officials are spared, just like the wealthy here, Hollywood & athletes. Media is gov’t owned & censored to their liking.
I wish black Americana’ would realize that tearing down statues, regardless of how ugly/painful it may’ve been, doesn’t validate your value as a human. You’re being played by design. International enemies of 🇺🇸 (who planted & control Dems) are cheering 4 you 2 destroy your own.
What the #BlackLivesMatter and Antifa and those destroying monuments are doing is exactly what these well known groups & individuals did in other countries, all supposedly in defense of justice, equality and removal of oppressive reminders. https://iranwire.com/en/features/933 
I hope they wake up before it’s too late. I hope they realize they are pawns in the game Democrats and Globalists play.


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