BLM, Antifa and the Global Marxists.

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BLM is a powerful movement with some legitimate issues that has Earth changing potential. Standing up for freedom and injustice is the core belief in American experiment.
(1) I commend Black people for standing up and bringing attention to issues violating them and all people.

This can be the beginning of an awakening catalyst for all humanity. The issue I have is:

It is directed, funded, and created by Global Marxists
(2) who are not Black and don’t give a rat’s ass about Black people.

Their only mission is destruction, chaos, and control of all humanity using co-ordinated efforts of their many groups, such ANTIFA, the Muslim Brotherhood and countless other Progressive George Soros Banker
(3) funded democratic sounding Marxist organizations.

It is my feelings that BLM needs to break free of the chains that collectively bind them to this evil. BLM needs to be in charge of their own destiny without the shadow puppet masters who control them and
(4) the present false agenda. Many people and maybe the World would rally together with them, in concert, if their intentions and tangible actions were directed at the true origin and root cause of all our problems .
(5) That is precisely those, “who control the creation of money”, and their global corporations!

They created and control this monster of a system that has and continues to enslave all of us. We need to unify and be as one or we will only be manipulated more,
(6) to destroy one another, leaving the ones who run and created this Matrix untouched, still in charge, laughing at the stupidity of all of us....

Time to wake up folks - [Truth] can’t be told, it has to be [Learned] 🙏
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