South India's population is 250 million without including Maharashtra(110m). Even if you exclude MH, North India would still end up with a billion+ population even after we secede😰

Shocking how big this so called 'country' is. Common sense would call for a secession.
North India alone would still be the second most populated country in the world still.

'Country' my ass. Learn to become atomized. If you stay like pigs in one big landmass and have one government you're bound to fail, miserably.
South India is still a huge country even after secession. Seperate South India would still be in top 5 most populated countries😑

Top 5 out of 200 or so countries. SMH. I don't think anyone realizes how big of a blunder this is

"When continents identity themselves as countries"
If Uttar Pradesh was a seperate country it would be the 5th most populated COUNTRY with 237 million.

Just a reminder this is a 'state' with more population than any European or African country 😐

We can't continue like this if we wish to be practical and sane.
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