Toronto is now the fastest growing city and metro area in North America.
What's more, 11 of the top 20 cities are actually Canadian.

Lots to explore here.
A thread.

#cdnpoli #onpoli #ldnont
This first image is telling. You won't find any of the big 3 cities in the States here. Immigration has been key to growth of Canadian cities. Most of the growth in American cities is just domestic migration. People are fleeing NYC and California for cheaper homes.
Here's the big 3. They all lost people. NYC lost over 60,000 last year. Tough border controls and high costs of living don't bode well for sustained population growth.
Here's a fun one. The GTA isn't the destination of choice for Canadians. It would have LOST population last year if not for immigration. High costs of living are driving people away to cities like Ottawa, Barrie, KW, or London.

#onpoli #ldnont
Here's a view of what the fastest growing cities were:
11/20 are Canadian. Our large cities (except YVR) continue to grow the most. Lots of growth in mid-size cities like London, Halifax, Kitchener, and Hamilton.
The authors wrote a similar piece last year where YYX was number 2 and DFW was number 1.
Look at the comparison:
Toronto needs immigration to sustain it's fantastic growth, but domestically, Toronto still loses more people than it gains.
I wonder what the numbers will be like next year given that AirBnb was temporarily gutted and tons of housing units became available for long term rental periods?

What's most interesting about this thread is how many mid-size Canadian cities are growing. Important for City Staff and politicians in each of these centres to be aware that many Canadians (mostly young families as @MikePMoffatt has pointed out) are fleeing the GTA.
Time to start thinking about this changing demographic. Young people in their 20's are likely fleeing for the GTA to build their career, meet a partner, but then boomerang back to cities where they actually afford a house.
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